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Then I launched into the sky. The breeze caressed my scaly hide as I rose higher and higher, the evergreen forest dropping away beneath me as I soared, stretching out as far as the eye could see. There, in the middle of the clan lands, I could truly let go. Hours slipped by as I lost myself in the flight, the wind carrying my troubled thoughts away. Slowly, the aggression, the possessiveness, the raging need to claim my mate—they all faded into the background while I communed with my dragon.

When I finally returned to the ground, the sun had dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the clearing. I took a deep breath, the earthy scent of the forest grounding me. In that moment, I felt lighter, the weight of my guilt and worries lessened by the freedom of flight.

It’s going to be okay, I told my dragon, feeling his satisfaction and contentment mirrored in my own emotions. We just have to be patient.

When I shifted back into human form, I knew that it was time to face Mariah, to make things right and promise her this would never happen again. The thought of facing my mate was terrifying. I was half-afraid that she’d turn me away, but I had to try.

As I approached the house, my gaze fell on Abi standing on the porch, cradling Sofia in her arms. The sight of them together warmed my heart, a stark contrast to the turmoil within just hours before.

“Hey,” I called out, approaching them.

Abi looked up. “Hey yourself. Your little girl missed you.”

I reached out, taking Sofia from Abi and holding her close.

“Dada.” Her hazel eyes met mine, and she grinned up at me. I smiled back at her, so full of love for my little dragon. Just holding her in my arms gave me a renewed sense of purpose.

“I missed her, too,” I said, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. We’d been so busy working to bring Tomas down that I hadn’t spent as much time with her as I wanted. I just couldn’t wait until all of this was behind us.

“Listen, Evan,” Abi said, biting her lip in that familiar way which always told me she was concerned. “This afternoon I said something to Mariah that I think might have upset her.”

“What did you say?” I said, my protective instincts flaring up despite my best efforts to keep them in check. Easy.

“I helped her understand your behavior, and I told her she didn’t fully get it because she wasn't a dragon,” Abi said, looking away, a hint of shame in her eyes. “I didn't mean any harm by it. I was only trying to help. But I can see now how it sounded.”

I sighed, knowing Mariah would likely have taken her words to heart, but Abi would never intentionally hurt anyone, either. “It's okay, Abi. We've all been on edge lately with everything going on. This is my mistake, and I need to fix it. I’m going to talk to her.”

“Good.” Abi gave a worried look. “Will you make sure she understands that I didn't mean to imply she doesn't belong here, or that I don't want her with you?”

“Of course,” I said.

“Thank you, Evan. It’s going to be okay. You’ll make things right.”

Sofia looked up at me, her gummy smile and soft coo all the encouragement I needed. We were a family unit, and families had problems they had to work through sometimes. I wouldn’t hide from this. It was time to face my mistakes and make amends.

“I know you’ve had her all day, but will you watch Sofia for a while?”

Abi plucked her right back out of my arms and gave me a wink. “You don’t even have to ask.”

Making my way inside and upstairs to the second-floor bedroom, I decided to do something special for Mariah—something that always seemed to bring a smile to her face in the past. After the day she’d had, she needed and deserved it.

I went straight to our bathroom and drew a bath for Mariah, making sure the water was the perfect temperature. I added bubble bath and a few of her favorite bath bombs, their scents filling the air with calming lavender and soothing chamomile. Then I scattered rose petals on the surface of the water as well, the deep crimson contrasting with the frothy bubbles. While the bath continued to fill, I ran downstairs and grabbed a bottle of her favorite wine, then brought it up and poured her a glass, setting it within easy reach of the bathtub.

Her last class should have been ending any moment. A few minutes later, I heard her come into the bedroom, and I held my breath, waiting. I sure hoped I didn’t screw this up. I needed to make peace with my mate like I needed my next breath.

She walked into the bathroom, surprise written all over her face.

“Evan.” She stood and stared, taking in the unexpected scene before her. “What's all this for?”

“For my mate. The woman I love,” I said softly, taking a tentative step closer. I didn’t dare reach for her yet, not sure my heart could take it if she pulled away. “It’s an apology, Mariah. I am so, so sorry for how I acted earlier, and I wanted to do something to show you how much I care. I know it doesn’t make up for what I did, but I want you to know I would never hurt you. I can’t say how sorry I truly am.”

Something must have shone through, because the lines of tension around her eyes and mouth faded slightly, and she took a step toward me.

“Thank you, Evan. This is a good start.”

I couldn’t get a read on her, but I tentatively reached out a hand. “Can I help you undress?”

She gave a small nod. I gently took the hem of her shirt and pulled it up, then over her head. As I carefully removed all of her clothing, my heart swelled with love and gratitude for this incredible woman who’d come into my life. Despite everything, she was giving me another chance, one I wasn’t sure I deserved.

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