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“Keep coming for me, baby,” Nick commands as he spreads my legs wide, pinning my thighs down with his hands. He devours my clit, sucking and swirling around the bud. My body is already shaking, but he just holds me down as he forces another orgasm to tear through me.

Tears stream down my face as my body comes harder than I ever knew it could. Then Nick breaks my damn soul when he pushes his cock into me, barely making it before his hot release pours into me. My muscles clench around him in one last crest of pleasure.

He falls down next to me as I exhale, in absolute and total bliss.

An old grandfather clock chimes and I turn my head to see that it’s only 9 AM. If I were at home, I’d just be getting to church with my parents.

“Best Christmas ever.”

“Oh, wifey.” Nick strokes my cheek. “We’re not even close to done spoiling you.”

After we pulled ourselves together, we made ourselves a big Christmas breakfast. That was essentially fuel to spend the rest of the morning in much the same way the morning started. Except instead of under the tree, it was in the pool, and then against the fireplace. If scenic fucking were a sport in the Olympics, then we would get gold. I’m not sure there are many places more beautiful than the ones we’ve been naked in today. And I’ve got pictures to prove it.

Now, I’m laying sprawled out in front of the fire. I didn’t even bother to put clothes on and I instead have a cashmere blanket wrapped around me. Every nerve in my body is on fire and the soft cashmere feels delicious all over my skin. Klaus comes behind me and rubs my shoulders.

“You know, we actually did get you some other things besides orgasms.”

“Mm,” I close my eyes and lean into his firm pressure. “You didn’t need to do anything. You’ve already given me so much.”

“We know we don’t need to,” Nick joins us and places a big wrapped box on my lap. “We wanted to.”

I bite my lip in excitement. The present is wrapped beautifully and the idea of having something physical to take home as a reminder of them is nice.

“Okay, then.” I break, not even trying to hide my excitement. A big grin spreads over my face as I tear the wrapping paper away.

I slick white box appears with a picture of a very expensive laptop.

“No.” I say. “I can’t accept this!”

“We chose this for a reason,” Nick takes my hand. “You’re not going to be able to manage all of your photography on that iPad for much longer. You need something like this to get started.”

Kris sits down on my other side. “We believe in you, Holly. We’re excited to see where you take your passion. Your photos are so full of life. Just like you.”

My hands shake as I clear the rest of the paper away from the box. This gift is extravagant. But that’s not what blows me away. The thought and meaning behind it is what makes it priceless.

“Plus, now you have us to send those sexy little photoshoots to.” Klaus laughs from behind me. “And all the ones we have in the future.”

I scoot toward the fireplace so I can turn around and look at all of them.

“It’s been barely 24 hours, but meeting you three has already changed my life forever. Thank you for giving yourselves to me this Christmas.”

Nick pulls me in close and Klaus and Kris grab each of my hands.

“You’ve done more for us than you know, Holly. Our lives have changed forever, too. Finally, it feels like a merry fucking Christmas.”

I laugh into his chest, my throat heavy with emotion.

“Well, then merry fucking Christmas to us.”



In some alternate reality, the three men I just said goodbye to could be my white knights. They could pluck me up and make me their princess. They offered as much when we boarded separate planes, saying that I should come back with them to Texas. But that isn’t my reality.

Because they’re right. Life is short. And it’s too short not to be embracing this world with all I’ve got. I love this strange, frenetic planet that can be so unpredictable as to give me the past couple of days with those wonderful men. I love it so much that I want to experience it to the fullest. And for me, experiencing it means carving out my own path.

I boarded the plane hungry. Not in the literal sense, like I was before I met my sexy Santas. And sure, that’s partly because they upgraded me to first-class and I’m being fed like a damn queen. But my hunger is to put myself out there and make a travel photography career for myself. I’ll be able to deal with the battle of moving back under my parents’ roof because I have a clear path and set goals, which I didn’t have before meeting them. It doesn’t hurt that I have three men cheering me on from the sidelines. I’ve never had anyone believe in me. I know there are a million inspirational quotes saying that first I’ve got to believe in myself and all that. But when I’ve been missing any cheering at all for my entire life, knowing that I’ve got someone (well, three someones), rooting for me makes a difference. And I’m not ashamed of that. But I also know that I’ve still got to do it myself. And flying away with them to Texas to be spoiled and pampered won’t get me to the place I want to be.

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