Page 11 of Lustre Lost

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The rain pours down in sheets, making the leaves slick under my feet. I slip, stumble, but refuse to go down. My bad leg aches with each step—I ignore it. I won’t fucking fail Tilly.

Having her in my arms is making me feel all kinds of things I never let myself indulge in. Her soft body is curled into me, and I can just make out the faintest scent of vanilla and sugar. She always smells like the sweetest baked goods; mouthwatering, and I am dying for a taste.

As we reach the car, her breathing evens and deepens—she has fallen asleep with Hot Dog nestled on her chest. The day has taken its toll on her. No worries though, I gently slide her into the passenger seat, buckling her in and giving Hot Dog’s head a quick rub.

“What should we do with her bud?” I ask the dog. He gives me a little doggie grin, tongue sticking out.

“A smart man would take her to the hospital.” Hot Dog snorts, side-eyeing me with disdain, clearly not amused by that idea.

“Yeah, I know, I’m not a smart man.” He tilts his head to the side.You know she’s coming home with us, his eyes say.

“The cabin is the closest place; I can make sure her leg is okay and we can ride out the storm. If it looks like she needs a hospital, then I will take her.” I nod my head; Hot Dog grins back. Decision made.

Thunder booms and the rain continues to pound down as I make the slow drive to my home.

I almost lost her, and now I’m never going to be able to let her go…

Chapter Six


Drew’struckrumblesunderneathme, and my fingers slide through the soothing texture of fur as I slowly awaken.

Opening my eyes, I take in my surroundings. The windshield wipers are swiping away the rain, swishing back and forth like mad. Drew’s hair is matted to his head, little drops of water trickling down his neck as he peers through the window, his muscles locked up tight. Not wanting to break his concentration I remain quiet, observing.

His big hands flex on the wheel, knuckles turning white. So big, I wonder how they would feel on my skin, sliding under the hem of my shirt, his calloused fingertips trailing up…

My pussy pulses, and I shift in my seat to get some relief, but I only manage to make my ankle throb painfully. But even the sharp twinge doesn’t stop my libido. My mind jumps back to that kiss we shared on the forest floor; his tongue tangling with mine. Maybe Operation Black Moon can still be salvaged.

The fire behind that kiss has hope igniting in my belly.

The truck comes to a stop and Hot Dog wriggles around in my arms.

“Where are we?” I whisper, not wanting to break the spell.

Drew glances over and the corners of his lips turn up slightly in a hesitant grin. He turns off his truck and runs his hand over his short hair. From the way his jaw clenches, I can sense his nerves.

“The storm really blew in, so I thought we should go back to my cabin. It’s way closer than your place and I figured…” his voice drifts off. After a moment, he continues, “If you’re uncomfortable we can keep going, get you to a hospital or something…”

“Oh, no, this is absolutely fine!” I blurt. Something comes over me and I just can’t stop the word vomit. “It’s great, actually. I’ve never seen your room before and I’ve always wondered what it looked like. I mean your place, obviously not your room… like your bedroom or anything. I don’t think about your bed at all. Not that I wouldn’t like to see that too. Of course…”

The babbling continues and I don’t even know what I’m saying.Tilly, stop talking. This is so embarrassing.A flush is taking over my face and heat claws up my neck as Drew’s eyes crinkle in amusement.

Before I have a chance to continue my awkward tirade, his strong hand captures my chin and his lips come crashing down on mine in a breath-stealing kiss. Our tongues slide against one another in a fight for dominance, but I am all too happy to surrender. My mind gets fuzzy, drunk on his taste, and my body thrums with excitement.Please, touch me, I ache for you.

“I want you to see my bedroom too, Sunshine,” he murmurs against my lips. He slowly pulls back, “But first, let’s get you inside so I can make sure you don’t need medical attention. Sit tight while I come around, can’t have you slipping now.”

He disappears for just a moment before my door wrenches open. I fumble to release my seatbelt, my hands clumsy. Drew steps into the truck, the scent of rain on his skin as he reaches around me, his heat seeping into me and making my nipples pucker as he unsnaps the belt. He skims his hand along my cheek and makes sure I have a tight grip on Hot Dog before hauling me into his arms once again.

“I really think I can walk,” I protest. My legisfeeling better and better by the moment.

Smack.With lightning-fast reflexes, Drew delivers a hard spank to my ass. What the heck? His little show of dominance causes my pussy to slicken and I can’t help but want him to do it again.

“Ohhh,” I say; trying to hide my growing desire by attempting to push out of his hold.

“Stop that,” he replies gruffly. “I want to make sure you get inside without another injury. It’s slippery out here.”

“So, you spanked me?” I yelp, with an incredulous cry that sounds fake—even to me.
