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“I’m sorry,” Michael mumbled, unsure of what to do or say upon discovering the identity of his recent date.

“Angela, are you okay?” the other doctor asked Dr. Perkins.

“I’m fine.” Dr. Perkins stood up and read his badge in an unfamiliar tone. “Thank you, Medical-Student Harper, for your offer of assistance. Mistakes happen.” She blanked her shock from her features and addressed the rest of his team, taking their proffered napkins. “Thank you, Patel and Borenstein.”

“At least let us buy you new coffee,” Raj offered quickly.

“It was quite the jolt as it was. I’ll go get new scrubs. I’m post-call so I’ll be off tonight.” Dr. Perkins looked anywhere but at Michael.

“We’re outpatient family med. We don’t get off until six or seven,” Michael answered. That was obviously a message for him.

“She wasn’t talking to you,” Nora said. “We’re sorry, ma’am. We’ll get out of your way and very sorry about your clothes.” She signaled Raj who grabbed the papers off the floor and helped propel Michael down the hallway.

Michael had no choice but to go.

* * *
