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But how long would that last?

It’s not like he didn’t know I was feeling ignored. Could hiding things and being bratty like Amari get me the attention I craved so badly? I already knew the answer was no. My Daddy would put an end to that silly behavior and demand better from me. A shopping spree wouldn’t do it because I had an unlimited budget and Alex loved it when I bought myself things. The urge to scream was overwhelming, and I opened my mouth to holler.

“Earth to Toni. Come in.”

I’d forgotten I was on a call with Ocean. “Sorry, O, I’ve been out of sorts.”

“What’s wrong, honey?”

Ocean’s soft whispered tones acted as a catalyst and the waterworks began. “I’m lonely and I’m bored, and Alex is ignoring me.”

Ocean burst out in laughter. “Honey, Alex never ignores you. I don’t think he’s capable. Now tell me what is going on.”

“His work is more important than me. And it should be. I mean the guy’s net worth is stupid big. Why would he want to pay attention to me?” I said the entirety in a whiney voice complete with a pout I knew she couldn’t see through the phone but I couldn’t refrain from doing.

“Antonia. What you need is a red-hot ass and some corner time to think about your attitude.” Dorian’s voice came through instead of Ocean’s.

“Dorian, give me back the phone!” Ocean cried out.

“Behave, little girl, she needs to hear this. Antonia, you’ve been left too long to your own devices and without guidance. It was inevitable you would start thinking ridiculous thoughts, and I know that an act of defiance will be next.”

I hated that they knew me so well. I could be very destructive when I was in this sort of mood.

In a lighter tone, he added. “You know he’s completely smitten with you and would burn the world down for his Little girl.”

I did know, but it annoyed me that he called me on my crap. All this stewing over things I couldn’t change had me working myself up into a rage of indignation and righteousness that he had no right to spoil for me.

“You realize it’s rude to interrupt someone’s conversation, don’t you?” I was being a complete brat, but what was he going to do about it? I felt a perverse pleasure when I heard his growl of frustration.

“It’s me.” Ocean’s voice came back on. “You know he’ll probably text Alex and tell on you.”

“I’m counting on it,” I replied, sealing my fate for when Daddy arrived home. But I would also tell him it was all his fault because he wasn’t doing his job. Ha, that would piss him right off but also nail him with the truth at the same time.

“Ocean, dinnertime.”

“I gotta run, Toni. I’ll leave planning to the men, and I hope to see you soon.”

“Okay, O, later.”

I hung up the call. The waves outside the window were darker, reflecting my mood perfectly. Maybe a tropical storm was on its way. Ugh! Enough of this nonsense. I needed some shopping therapy with Simone to distract me from doing something stupid. I grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses and made my way up the path from our home on the beach to the neighboring resort Alex owned and where my bestie, Simone, was hard at work in her incredible boutique.

I used my butt to open the door to the air-conditioned store. Simone looked up from where she was helping a customer and glanced down at my hands. Her eyes roamed up to my face before quickly finishing with the customer.

“What’s this? Having a bad day?”

“I figured you needed a break and I need some shopping therapy.”

“Good timing. You can help me go through the delivery I received this morning.”

Simone didn’t ask me what was wrong, instead she got busy passing me armloads of outfits. I admired the colors and fabrics of the new collection and set aside several items to try on. I may not be a big shopper, but I looked at this as supporting my best friend’s business and could therefore justify the amount I spent in her store.

I was busy on my task when Simone held out a glass. “Let’s make a toast to the Yuletide gods.”

“Yuletide gods? I’d rather toast to Santa and ask for a present.”

Simone seemed genuinely surprised. “What would you ask for that Alex couldn’t give you?”

“All I want for Christmas is Alex, with me, present and in my face, with his hands all over me for a week. I’m tired of business and his massive empire and I just want him to myself, for a while at least. Then maybe we could plan our wedding and, you know, decide what the rest of forever might look like. Tahiti is amazing and beautiful, and I get that I’m very blessed, but this is not my forever home. What started off as a two-week layover just over a year ago has turned into a permanent place. I want what King and Amara have.”
