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“A vineyard?”

I burst out laughing. “Not exactly, but that is a commonality that brings them together every day and a passion they share.”

Simone nodded her head thoughtfully. “Didn’t the guys create a company to purchase and take over wineries in Napa together?”

“That’s what I mean, Simone. Ocean and Dorian spend a lot of time together over there in Napa taking an active role in the business. Ocean also loves wine and being the owner of travel destinations and magazines, Dorian does too and has driven their sales to new heights. Their personal and business lives are cohesive. What do Alex and I have? Nothing is a draw for us as a couple and I think that’s why he spends so much time away. I was a thief for survival reasons, but mostly so I could eat. My fiancé is filthy rich in old money and his passion is business. What the hell are we doing together?”

Simone took a swig of wine. “I get it. Johnathan is a self-made man and has done extremely well. He is ambitious and I am not. I’m quite happy doing what I’m doing while he seems to be the one needing the challenges. But it doesn’t push us apart. I don’t care if we ever get married, and neither of us wants children, so there aren’t any forever plans to chase, other than to keep doing what we love to do and love each other while we’re doing it. As for you and Alex, you don’t need common interests to be together. He loves you, Antonia, and you are perfect for him. Don’t ever think otherwise.”

My friend was a wise woman but I felt she was missing the point of my rant. Hell, I was getting lost in all the feelings, doubt and negative self-talk. And the further down the rabbit hole I went, the more I was finding wrong with us.

Her phone beeped with a call she needed to take, so I said my goodbyes and made a quick exit, arriving at our private beach in time for sunset. I stretched out, luxuriating in the still-warm sand and its subtle grittiness.

I tucked my hands behind my head and watched as the sun slowly sunk below the horizon until only streaks of brilliant orange were left. I was reluctant to leave as this was the most peace I’d felt in days. I stayed, watching the sky darken through a series of beautiful hues until the last blue before night. Still, I stayed and waited for the stars to come out. On our part of the island, the stars and the sky seemed endless, so different from the city back home. And there was the trigger, home brought up thoughts of the family I’d shared many snowy Christmases with as a child.

I allowed the tears to track across my cheeks and down the sides of my face as I continued to stare at the enormous sky. I felt smaller than ever but slightly comforted knowing I was not alone.

The last time I’d sat on the beach stargazing had been with Alex not long after we’d arrived here. He’d told me then I was not allowed to be out here alone in the dark, that despite the security for the resort, there was none on the beach and undesirable people could be drawn to places like this where they hoped to steal from rich people.

He said I was a target because I was with him and, therefore, could be taken and held for ransom. Or maybe one day the mafia would break their agreement and come after me again. And if that wasn’t enough, he said I was a beautiful young woman and men from the resort may stumble down to our private beach, drunk, and try to have their way with me.

I sat up and wiped my face. His warnings echoed through me and told me to go home. Standing, I trudged up the beach toward the dark house. I fumbled with the entry scanner and after shining my phone on the panel, could successfully open the door and slam it shut once I was inside.

The house felt way too empty. I grabbed another bottle of wine and a bag of chips and headed upstairs to our room. I filled up the giant tub with hot water and an entire bottle of bubble bath. As the water flowed, the bubbling mountain grew. When I turned off the taps, the bubbles stood a good three feet above the waterline. I snapped a picture on my phone and sent it to Amara and Ocean.

Once I was in, I used the remote to turn off the bathroom lights. The floor-to-ceiling window allowed for natural light to come in from the stars and full moon. I grabbed the bottle and uncorked the wine and opened the chip bag, placing both right beside the tub. I managed to take a few more pictures of myself in the mountain of bubbles, drinking expensive wine right out of the bottle, and sent those to the girls.

The more I drank, the better I felt about being alone, and those little voices became silent and allowed me to relax. Swigging wine from a bottle felt so naughty, and being naughty was making me horny. The more I drank, the hornier I became. Stumbling out of the tub, I opened my toy drawer. Daddy never explicitly said I couldn’t play while he was away.

Duck or dolphin? Mmm, tough choice. Grabbing both and slipping back into the slick tub, I couldn’t help but feel deliciously naughty and giddy that Daddy wouldn’t catch me, and I could play as much as I wanted. Ready to pleasure myself, I attempted to place the half-full bottle of wine on the floor, but the bubbles made my hand slippery and the bottle fell, shattering on the white Italian marble tiles. I leaned over, watching the dark red liquid seep into the grout between the white Italian marble tiles.

“That will be a bitch to clean,” I spoke aloud. Giggles immediately followed to fill the empty room. I leaned back in the tub and ran a hand over my breast at the memory of my first trip to the bathroom with Alexander Savage.

“Keep your eyes focused on the mirror.” With no further explanation, he pulled my hips back until I was bent at the waist. Then he tugged my jeans down.

I gasped as the cool air filtering through the airplane’s ventilation hit my already cold skin. I was reaching for my jeans to pull them back up when Alexander brought his hand down on my panty-clad backside. I let out a tiny squeal of shock at both the sting to my bottom and the loud crack that filled up the little cabin.

“No pulling up your pants or these,” he said, whipping my underwear down. “You will take your punishment like a good girl. Do you understand?”

The seriousness of my situation was finally sinking in, and to counteract how vulnerable I felt, I channeled my inner tough bitch and glared at him in the mirror.

“Go fuck yourself, Alexander.” I tried to stand, but he pushed my chest toward the sink.

“Here’s what’s going to happen. I am going to spank you until I feel you have learned your lesson. If that means I’ll need to bring you back here every hour for this entire flight, that’s what I shall do. How does that sound?”

I watched in horror as my pupils dilated at his threat, and he didn’t miss it either.

“That’s what I thought. You want your correction. You want Daddy to spank your naughty bottom and then fuck you senseless, don’t you?”

Holy hell! I turned on my dolphin and pressed it against my aching clit. I closed my eyes and visualized Alex in the mirror, watching my pupils dilate in response to his dirty words. It had been the first time I’d called a man Daddy, other than my father when I was very young. When I called Alex Daddy, it was an admission from the first, a testament to how badly I needed one.

I responded with a moan, no longer able to hold back my reactions to his treatment of me.


“Yes, what, brat?”

“Yes, Alexander.” His smile in the mirror was raw, his amber eyes so dark they looked almost black.

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