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Inspector Sawant gave a short, sardonic laugh.

“Sorry to disappoint you, Your Highness. I don’t have any hackers on my team.”

“It’s fairly simple, Inspector Saheb. You don’t need to be a hacker to do this. Maybe you need to send your team for some training.”

“I’m hanging up,” said the Inspector brusquely.

“Wait! I’m sorry. It’s just that I’m under a lot of stress right now, and we’re seeing bogeymen around every corner. A vase just fell from a higher floor close to where Tasha was standing, and she thinks someone tried to kill her,” I explained.

“Maybe she’s right. I’m sending some men to watch her,” replied the Inspector.

“Thank you. That will be very helpful. Would it be okay if I send Imran over to the station right now? He’s our tech guy, and he can retrieve the deleted messages from Vishal’s phone.”

“Sure,” invited the Inspector.

I thanked him and ended the call, and texted Imran to head to the police station immediately. He was put up in a hotel close to the station, anyway. It would take him less than five minutes to get there.

I drove around aimlessly, giving Tasha time to cool off a little before I headed back to the commune. Maybe, with Samar and Jaideep there, she wouldn’t be so frightened of me if she saw me around.

It gutted me to know my precious Tasha saw me as a threat. Didn’t she know that I’d cut my hand off before I did anything to hurt her? Clearly not.

Imran called me back in less than twenty minutes.

“I got the texts, DV. I think you should see them.”

My phone pinged as he sent me a screenshot of the messages on Vishal’s phone.

He had sent five messages between eight pm and midnight.

Message 1:This is your fault. Fix it

Message 2:Fix it before the police come knocking at my door

Message 3:I’m scared. Please fix it. Tell them I didn’t do anything

Message 4:I’m a decent guy. You turned me into a creep. I would never have done it if you hadn’t called me a snivelling coward

Message 5:Let the cops come. I’ll tell them everything

This last one was sent at midnight.

And there was only one reply at two am:

Open the door

That’s it!

“I think we have our man. Find out whom this number is registered to, and pull out his whole kundali. I want to find him and end this shit right now,” I ordered.

“On it,” replied Imran.

I heard the clickety-clack of the keyboard as he tried to find the person who owned this number.

“Umm… it says this number is registered under Vishal Agarwal’s name. That’s strange, boss. Why would he call and text his own number?”

I snarled under my breath. We were so close, and yet, the killer was dancing just out of our reach.

“It’s a burner phone. He registered the sim card under Vishal’s name. Maybe he got him to buy him a sim under some pretext. Maybe they were friends. That could also explain how the killer convinced Vishal to play the prank on Tasha, and why the dead man agreed to have a drink with him. Can you track the phone, Imran?”
