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In response, she lunged straight at him. He met her halfway and tried to grab the shears out of her hands. But she was too strong for him. I watched in horror as she brought the sharp end of the shears down wildly, trying to stab him wherever she could reach. But before she could stab him, there was a loud bang, and Sandhya turned to the door in surprise.

Mrs Fialho stood there like an avenging angel, the gun in her hand still smoking. Before we could react, she fired twice more, and Sandhya fell. She was already dead before she hit the ground.

Mrs Fialho walked over to her and turned her over with her foot.

“I got her right in the middle of the forehead,” she said, her lips beginning to quiver. “And I was so worried that I’d shoot you. But I had to do something!”

When the adrenaline rush of the moment dropped, she went to pieces, for Mrs Fialho might know how to handle a gun like a pro, but she was no killer. Freddy forced himself to his feet with a groan and pulled her into his arms.

I was still tied to the window, but I let them have their moment. I’d had at least an hour to get used to the fact that one of my closest friends wanted me dead. They, on the other hand, had just found out. Poor Freddy. He had liked Sandhya a lot and wanted his son to date her.

I opened my mouth to say something helpful, but once more, the world went black without any warning.



When I sped up the lane that led to Tasha’s cottage, I found Samar’s car parked outside, along with a couple of police cars. I parked in a hurry and ran into the house.

I first saw Sandhya lying there in a pool of blood by the door, with half her head shot off, and my knees buckled because I was sure I’d find Tasha in a similar state. But I forced myself to keep going.

Freddy, Mrs Fialho and Sona were huddled around the couch, while Samar was talking to Inspector Sawant. They both had their backs to me. I stood where I was, frozen with fear. This was it. If Tasha was dead, so was I. There was no reason for me to live.

Just then, the crowd around the couch parted and I saw her. She was lying on the couch, with an ice pack held to her face. Tasha was alive!

I could have fallen to my knees and kissed the ground in thanks, but I did nothing of the sort. For her eyes met mine over the ice pack and all I could do was stare at her hungrily.

The Inspector clapped me on the back and came to stand between us.

“I’m sorry we couldn’t get here earlier, Mr Singh. This time, the police lived up to the stereotype of those who always turn up after the crime has been committed,” he said, with a weary grin.

“Not just the police,” added Samar. “Even The Royal Guard couldn’t protect their princess. It took Mrs Fialho to save the day, and she will never let us live it down.”

I wanted to be very polite and thankful, but all that came out of me was an anguished roar.

“Will someone tell me what the fuck just happened here?”

You could have heard a pin drop in the room as everyone turned to stare at me in surprise. But it was Tasha who spoke.

She pushed herself out of the couch and hobbled over to me.

“It was Sandhya all along, DV. She was the killer.”

“Not I,” I felt compelled to point out.

“Not you,” she agreed. “Never you.”

Her lips wobbled and I almost pulled her into my arms. She swayed towards me as if she could read my intentions in my eyes, but I took a step backwards. Tasha froze and tears sparkled in her eyes as she met mine squarely.

“I’m glad you’re safe, Tasha. And I’m sorry if I gave you any reason to be afraid of me. I won’t bother you anymore,” I said, as I turned around and walked out of her house.

She was safe, I chanted under my breath as I walked away from the only woman I had ever loved. She was safe, and that was all that mattered. It was over. She was free to enjoy her paradise and hide here for the rest of her life if she so wished.

I knew Samar would fill me in on the how and why of what had happened here. But it was nothing to do with me anymore. I was free, too. Free to move on with my life. Maybe, Tasha and I didn’t have to be together. Maybe, what happened between us was just a culmination of our suppressed desires. A kind of sweet closure.

And yet, it felt so bitter.

The rest of my life was just beginning, and yet, it felt as if everything was over. There was nothing left in life. Maybe, it was time for me to become a spy again. Samar didn’t need me in the firm anymore. He had a good team. I was free to go back to my old profession.
