Page 18 of Loved Like a Little

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“Positive.” He squared his shoulders and then dropped both of his hands to his lap. “Very, very sure.”

I tried to convince myself that it wasn’t the right time, that we needed to wait, but I was done waiting. And by the looks of it, Billy was too.

Closing the distance between us, I kissed him. Really kissed him. Hard and deep and with all the tenderness I’d felt for him since the first time I met him.

What started out as just a quick indulgence turned into a full-on makeout session. But before things got too far, there was yet another discussion we needed to have.

Sometimes being a Daddy first was frustrating as hell. Daddies had needs too.



It’s finally happening. He’s gonna…do something. I wasn’t sure exactly what, but if it felt half as good as the kissing did, I was all in.

All the way in.

There were some nerves about what it would be like to actually have sex. I’d had a talk with Jason and Jesse about what to expect, and they assured me that when the time came, Axel would make sure it felt good. I believed that to be true, but I was still nervous. But every second that passed with him kissing me, helped dissipate any lingering anxiety.

At first, even the kissing was scary. Having never done it before, I did my best to follow his lead by opening and closing my mouth at the pace he set. And when his tongue slipped inside my mouth, I almost pulled away. Not because it was bad, just because it was such a foreign feeling.

But as soon as his tongue curled around mine, I wanted to climb inside him. And after a few seconds, I tried to. At least, with my tongue.

I tentatively slipped mine inside his mouth and moved it around in the same exploratory way he did to me. The guttural moan Axel let out reassured me that I was doing okay.

And since kissing was so amazing, I wanted to try it all. Granted, the best part about kissing was how close our bodies had to get to make it work. We started out sitting beside each other, but before I realized it, Axel was lying on his back with me resting on his chest and my knees straddling his hips.

My torso was shorter than his, so my cock didn’t line up exactly. It was closer to the buckle on his jeans, but when he tilted his hips, I could feel his bulge pressing against my ass, tickling in the most delicious ways.

The sensation and need drew a whimper out of me.

“Baby.” Axel sounded almost painted as he pressed against my chest and lifted me a bit higher away from him. “We need to slow down.”

“No, not slow. Fast.” I moved my hips faster against him to prove my point. “I already like how your tongue feels inside me. I wanna know how everything feels inside…everywhere.”

He chuckled and rolled us slightly, so I was on the bed beside him. “Sweetheart, I would like nothing more than to make love to you right this moment, but it’s a big decision. One that we don’t have to start with.”

A wave of rejection flowed through me as I realized I was throwing myself at him, and he wasn’t receptive. With my eyes closed and my lips tightly pressed together, I merely nodded.

Axel’s hand pressed against the side of my cheek before moving down to my neck, cuffing it gently. “What are you thinking about right now?”

I shook my head quickly, not wanting to answer.

Axel’s weight shifted and he slid over me, holding up most of his weight, but allowing enough of his chest to press against mine so I knew he was there, before his tongue brushed across the seal between my lips, and my mouth fell open.

More soft kisses peppered my mouth and face before I relaxed and opened my eyes again. “What?”

“Let’s try this again.” His finger traced along my jaw before putting enough pressure on my chin that I had to face him. “What are you thinking about right now?”

“Honestly, I’m embarrassed.”

“Why?” Axel’s hand instinctively went to my crotch, and I wondered if he was testing the dryness to see if I had come. I hadn’t, but when he felt how hard I was, he gave me a few firm rubs over my jeans.

My hips lifted to chase his touch, desperate for more. I was so close. If he just grabbed me for a few seconds longer, I’d be right there.

Axel lifted his hand up and rested it on the side of my body. “Billy, I asked you a question.”

“Huh?” I looked him in the eyes, trying to focus. “You did?”
