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“No. I don’t think he’s coming in time. Or maybe at all.”

“Oh no, don’t say that. He’d never stay away at Christmas. He knows how important all this is to you.”

“I haven’t told you, but Davos and I got into a big fight the other day before he left.”

“I hate to say this, Blake, but what else is new?”

“I know, but this one was pretty bad. I told him not to run away like he usually does, because I wanted to have a big Christmas holiday, but he said he’d only be in the way, and he’d already made his plans. I said, ‘you’ve always been in my way, so why would this be any different,’ and that’s when the fight started.”


“He only wanted to avoid things, like he always does. Anyway, by bedtime we weren’t speaking and then he said he was tired and he turned his back on me and just went to sleep, like nothing at all was wrong.”

“How dare he?”

“I know. He was deliberately provoking me.”

“What else did he say?”

“Nothing. That’s just it. The next morning when I woke up, he was gone. He didn’t even leave me a note saying where he was going or when he’d be back.”

“He’ll be home soon, ready to kiss and make up. You’ll see.”

“Maybe. But what if he’s not? What if he’s finally had enough?”

“He hasn’t.”

“But what if he has?”

“I’m making you some warm milk and you’re going to drink it all up and go to sleep. You’ve had a long day and you’re making yourself sick worrying over nothing.”


Blake awoke much later and lay awake for a long time, worrying about Davos. They didn’t spend much time apart these days, and when Davos did leave on rare occasions, Blake never slept well. The room always seemed so empty without Davos’s vibrant presence.

He gave up finally and stood by the window, looking up at the stars. He was alone, on Christmas Eve. And maybe even after that. He walked over to the window and stared outside. The scene outside the window was the same as it always was—thank God. The strange little dream he’d had when he knocked himself out with the jar of gravy had unsettled him more than he liked to admit. Just the idea that he might have made the wrong choice years ago and not stayed with Davos made him uneasy and his eyes fill with the tears.

He missed Davos so much.

Why had he argued with him over something so pointless and stupid? His warm breath fogged the windowpane and then caught in his throat. He and Davos had been arguing ever since they met, it seemed, and most of the arguments—it must be admitted—had probably been Blake’s fault. At least it seemed that way to him now, as he stared up at the huge moon hanging above him like a big, exotic paper lantern in the night sky.

Where was Davos tonight? Was he warm and safe? What if something had happened to him? Blake struggled for a moment to contain all the emotion trying to burst from his chest. Moving away from the window, he threw himself on the bed and flung a forearm over his eyes. He needed to try and sleep. Tomorrow was Christmas.

When he awoke a few hours later, he could hear soft music playing somewhere close by. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, wondering if he was imagining it, but no—it was definitely music. He got up and followed the sound to the outer room and stood in the doorway, blinking his eyes. Davos was lounging there on the sofa, looking tired and a little rumpled and altogether beautiful.

He looked up and saw Blake and held out his arms to him.

"It’s about time you woke up. I was going to give you five more minutes and then come get you.

“When did you get home? What are you doing here?”

Davos quirked up an eyebrow. "I live here, remember? Why? Do you want me to leave again?" He looked so handsome and warm, and he smelled so good. Blake caught his sweet, freshly showered scent all the way across the room.

"No," Blake said, shaking his head. "I thought…I mean, you never said when you were coming home…I thought you were still angry. That maybe you’d left me…at Christmas." His chin wobbled the slightest bit, and Davos looked horrified. He sat up and held out his arms.

"Nobyo—how could you think such a thing? Come here."

When Blake got closer, Davos pulled him down into his lap, and then covered his face with kisses and little love bites on his jaw and throat.
