Page 17 of Wrecked

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I’m so grateful to hear his soft murmur against my skin, more than that, I’m thankful for his attempt to protect me. Even if that isn’t the way to go. At least not for me.

“I can’t go, David,” I reply.

“You will be fine there.”

“David, if I go, it only will make this worse. I have nothing to hide. It’s my life, and I don’t give a fuck if they disapprove.”

I can feel his smile on my neck, causing my knees to wobble. “You care.”

“I only care because of Davi,” I clarify. “I don’t want him to be affected by this.”

“And he won’t,” he agrees. “We will talk with him soon. My boy is a smart kid. He will be fine.”

Davi will be thrilled to know he’s his father. However….

“I don’t want any other people dictating the rhythm we should live our lives.”

“You tell me what to do, baby,” His arms are like steel beams around me.

“Let’s take this slow,” I say, trying to get out of his strong embrace as his arms tighten around me.

“I can take this as slow as you want,” he replies. “But you’re not making me back off or go away.”

“David…” I warn.

“No, Ella, just no,” he angrily growls. “I’m here, and I’ll stay. My life is upside down, too, but maybe it’s a good thing.

“This is crazy.” I ache to melt into him and forget everything. To believe that this is real. That he really wants me and Davi, and not just to scratch another itch. But I can’t. I have to think about someone besides myself. “David, we had a single night together. Then you’re here just meeting your son…. We are doing all of this in the wrong way. This is too….”

“Strong, that’s the word to define this.” Again, I’m under the spell of his voice. “A famous architect quote just came to my mind. It suits us. ‘If a project is intense, valid, and has a powerful idea, its imperfections will be in the background’.”

“I don’t understand,” I confess in a low voice.

“You don’t need to, baby,” he whispers. “Just feel it.”

David turns me, and with a finger, he lifts my face for our gazes to meet. His mouth is close, too close, and when he’s about to kiss me, a little voice from the other side of the room startles us.

“David, Mommy, what are you doing?”

I jump as if David’s body burned mine. He chuckles shamelessly as if he doesn’t have a care in the world.

If he really wants to be around, he will need to learn how to deal with a preschooler who wants to get all the attention.

Chapter Six


“What are you doing here?” I ask the woman on the other side of my rental home threshold.

Looking more beautiful than in my dreams, I can’t wait to have my hands on her.

But first I need her to say why she’s here… To admit the truth.

“I came for you,” she replies, moving forward. I take two steps backward and open the door wider for her to enter.

“For me?” Unbelievable. Amazingly unbelievable.

“Do you want me?” If she only knew…
