Page 30 of Wrecked

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The door swings open. “David!” he screams, his voice full of joy. “Tacos tonight? I liked the tacos the other night.”

His deep laugh rumbles in the room. “Tonight we are having soup,” David replies, and Davi adds a yuk sound. “You will like this one, I’m sure.”

“Mommy puts veggies in the soup, and I don’t like it.”

David laughs again, and I hide behind my office’s threshold, charmed by his easy conversation. “What about little balls of corn?”

“Popcorn in the soup?” Another gagging noise by my rebellious son.

“No, not popcorn, but you gonna like it.”

“If you say so…” Davi tells him, and I think this is a good moment to come out of my trench.

But before a word can leave my mouth, it turns dry at the sight of him. Damn this man for being a dangerous presence to the female population of California. He’s utterly gorgeous, David’s skin is tanned by the work he’s doing on the church’s roof, and those dark eyes—that are focused on me—look even brighter.

“Your hair,” he finally whispers, just loud enough to be heard.

“She’s going on a date,” Davi replies before I can do it. “I told her no, but she’s going.”

Sometimes it’s easy to forget my ray of sunshine is just a preschooler. Right now, he’s in full protective mode.

“A date? A date with who?” The question is directed to me, of course, but again my son replies for me. “A friend of Uncle John.”

“Oh yeah?” David’s attention is again on me, making me feel like I’m doing something wrong. “Wearing that?” He points at the black fitted slacks and cropped top set I’m wearing.

I lift my chin before replying. “Yes, and since you’re here, play with Davi. Would you? My niece will be here at seven, and I need to get ready.”

Without giving him a chance to argue, I’m safely in my room, breathing hard, leaning against the door as if that were enough to stop him.

But he doesn’t come.

To be honest, mostly with myself, I’m disappointed David hasn’t banged on the door and then bangedme. The man is really smart. His attack is more subtle… but effective as a wrecking ball.

When I come out of my fortress, his eyes follow every one of my features, including the skin my top leaves for him to see. Even if I’m covering my back with a silky kimono, he knows what’s behind the fabric, which ignites the fire in his eyes. But he says nothing.

Men are the most frustrating creatures in the entire world.

He comes to the kitchen, where I’m gulping water, wishing I could spike it with something stronger, and I brace myself for impact. My hands are clutching the countertop for dear life. David comes closer, and my eyelids are heavy with desire already. My mouth is aching for him to kiss me, silly.

Just being here, a few steps away, he’s making my body tremble. Without caressing my skin, my entire being is ready to combust. Let’s not talk about my panties. They are already wet and ready for him to take them away and give me what I’ve been craving for the last four years.

I need to get the hell out of here. Instead, I spin to face him, closing my eyes while praying silently for him to end this thirst and kiss me.

“This is what you want?” He whispers, his fingers around my neck. He’s close. I feel his breath caressing my lips, but not close enough to kiss me. “You want me to kiss you?”

From my throat, a grunting sound comes out.

“But you’re going out with another man.” Guilty as charged, what should I say in my defense? “You’re begging me to kiss you, and I will. I’ll rain kisses all over your body and bury my tongue in your pussy.” My eyes snap open. “The moment you stop acting like a terrified mouse and accept how much you want me. All of me, Ella not just a quick fuck. My world will be at your feet….”

Oh, my freaking gosh, I’m ready, so ready. However, not a single word leaves my lips. I can hear my sister’s voice reminding me his time here is limited, and I’ll be here alone. Nursing not just my broken heart, but my son’s.

“Yes, I’m going out,” I say, holding my shit together.

Fury spark on those dark eyes. “Then cancel your sitter. I’ll stay here taking care of my son.”

“What?” I ask from my cloud of confusion. “Are you babysitting?”

“It’s called parenting, and yes, I’ll stay here with Davi while you go and play teenager with this man. I just hope when you come back home, you’re ready for what I’m ready to give you.”
