Page 31 of Wrecked

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After saying the words, he turns on his heels and walks away.

This is a mistake. I know it. My heart wants to stay here and play little house with my two men.

And yes, I’m too terrified to admit it. Yet.

Chapter Ten


“I’m going to make her wait,” I whisper. “Then I’ll make her beg.”

That’s a promise I intend to keep.

After the stunt in the kitchen, I’m horny as hell. I stand in the middle of her living room, gasping for air, looking at the white ceiling, trying to control my body.




Melanie drives me crazy. She’s the fuel to the wildfire burning inside me. The same flame she ignited four years ago, and time just made it grow.



“David,” a little voice startles me. My son. “Are you atatue?”

Davi’s question brings me back to the moment, and my mind looks fast for his question’s meaning. “A statue?” A deep laugh breaks free from my chest. “No.”

But your mother has me hard as a rock.

“You’re like one,” he states as he examines me critically.

In a quick movement, I have him over my shoulder while the both of us stomp around the coffee table.

“I’m a T-Rex,” he screams, trying to wiggle in my firm grasp. “You can’t win me!!”

From the corner of my eye, I can see Melanie watching us from the kitchen, a smile pulling up those lips I’m dying to kiss again, but this moment isn’t about that. Tonight is about bonding with my son. These moments will be cherished forever.

Davi makes another grunting sound, and as the loving father I am, I pretend he’s winning the fight.

We play like that for minutes. Minutes that sear him into my soul as we play fight on the couch. He stops and stares at me. “I’m hungry.”

“Ok, T-Rex, let’s feed you.”

“The pop-corn soup?” His remark makes me smile.

“Yes, the soup, and you can help me finish everything.” As I get up off the couch, offering him my open hand, Davi doesn’t hesitate for a second before getting it.

Half an hour later, the pozole is ready, and we are having our seconds—I couldn’t be prouder of my son’s appetite for Mexican food. I’m introducing him to Mexican food and then slowly to our traditions. We all were born and raised here, but our culture is part of who we are. I can’t wait for my son to be part of them.

Melanie steps into the kitchen. My spoon is in midair, full of soup. She’s ready to go on that stupid date. She looks good enough to eat. Jealousy fills my chest. She’s wearing those beautiful clothes for him.For him,for fuck’s sake.

I want to tear those tight black pants off that luscious body and fuck some sense in her. My entire body begs me to grab her beautiful mane and kiss her silly. I’m playing that stupid game,if you love something, let it go….

Do I love her? Oh fuck, I’m wandering in deep shit. Either way, she better get ready. I’m not retreating. I’m just letting her see what’s outside these doors. Soon enough, she will know no other man can make her feel like I do. And never will.
