Page 22 of Praldia

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"Zira, the ship is a decoy. Once on board, we will teleport to my father's palats before it even takes off. I will never be in any danger, but it's nice you care."

"Luther, you're all I have standing between me and being used as an incubator by that barbarian. Of course, I'm going to care what happens to you."

Leaning down, Luther kissed me. "I'll be home in three days. Don't leave the palats while I'm gone." Kissing me again, Luther straightened his dress uniform and left.

* * *

We walkedhand in hand until we met with Luther's entire contingent of personal guards in the ground-level entryway. Kissing my forehead, Luther moved away from me to step in amongst his guard. My guard closed around me; I blinked, and the lobby was empty.

"I want to watch them leave," I informed Jervaise.

Bowing his head, Jervaise led me to the viewing deck that overlooked the airfield. While the sun had not yet breached the horizon, Luther and his elite guard moved from the airfield teleport channels to the waiting ship, too far away to see detail.

"They will do a long-range teleport," Jervaise explained. "Then the ship will take off. It is going to Cyra, but the ship will return with supplies for us Cyrans from home."

"Why do the decoy at all?" I asked quietly as the last of the guard disappeared from view in the morning's greyness.

"No one is aware we have long-range teleport technology. Everyone thinks we are restrained within planets, and we like them to believe that. It gives us a certain edge when it comes to warfare, Princess." The ship powered up. "They should be en route by now."

"How long does a long-range teleport take?" I asked, curious since we could teleport across the planet in less than a minute.

"Several minutes."

The ship sprung into the air, ready to depart. A loud rumbling reached our ears. Never having heard that noise before, I frowned. "Is that normal?"

As a loud explosion roared through the sky, Jervaise threw his body at me. We were too far away to be in danger from the blast, but Jervaise protected me on instinct. Turning my head to suck in the air that was forced from my lungs, I could just see the enormous bright blue fireball in the distance.

"Jervaise?" I screeched in panic. What if they hadn't teleported yet? What if my companion was just murdered? A loud crash sounded as the burning ship crashed back to the tarmac.

"Get her inside and in quarters now," Jervaise instructed as he rolled away from me. Hands were pulling me to my feet as Jervaise regained his.

There was a momentary pause amongst the guard. "The channels are shut down!" The guard holding me bellowed angrily.

Cursing, Jervaise pulled his comms unit free. "I want the full squad to intersect the Princess on her way back from the viewing deck. There was another attempt on the Prince's life, and the palats has gone into lockdown."

"On our way," another voice responded with a burst of activity in the background.

A hand grabbed my elbow, moving me off the viewing deck to the inner sanctum of the palats. Over my shoulder, I caught a glimpse of emergency ships zipping towards the burning inferno. Jervaise was at my side, and I was being rushed towards the inner ring corridor.

There was a beep in Jervaise's comms unit, and he pulled it out to see what came through. "They've arrived safely, Princess," he whispered in my ear. Relieved, I relaxed in his grip. "Not yet, Princess. We need you safe in quarters before we relax."

"But I'm safe in the palats…" But then it occurred to me. "No one knew he was leaving. It was decided late last night. No one else was told until this morning, and even then, it was only the elite who were informed." Stopping in my tracks, I stared at Jervaise wide-eyed.

"No, Princess, don't even think it. None of the elite would ever betray the prince. It has to have been a staff member who overheard." Giving my elbow a slight tug, Jervaise took one step and stopped.

"Jervaise?" Erhaird inquired as Jervaise cursed.

"We have a traitor in the prince's staff, in his residence. We need to cease all staff activity ‘til we find our leak."

"Jervaise!" his comms burst to life with Hartwin's voice.


"There's been some commotion in the ring, and the corridor is blocked. We can't get through, so we have to come around the ring the long way." With the palats in lockdown, the central courtyard was inaccessible.

"Should we move to meet you?" Jervaise looked back the way we'd come.

"No, it's a trap for sure. Move to the area in front of the throne room and stay put. We'll come to you. You know what to do if someone else gets there first."
