Page 47 of Praldia

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Luther slipped one of his arms around my waist to whisper in my ear. "You are tense, Zira. Are you worried?"

"A little. What if they are wrong and I'm not?"

Nosing my jaw, Luther chuckled. "Oh, I am sure they are right, Zira. Your moods are just as fierce as any woman in your condition. It is only the quantity I think they are truly checking today." Turning my face to him, Luther kissed my lips softly.

As we pulled apart, Hartwin was watching us but looked away when his comms device beeped. We saw him check the screen, tuck it away and nod at us. Wrapping me into a hug, Luther kissed my forehead and teleported us to the infirmary.

It was one of the small buildings on the inner side of the ring opposite the Royal Guard compound next to the ballroom. We teleported directly into Medic Ellery's office, where Ellery and Nyla were waiting for us; Hartwin and Anberon stood behind us. Gazing up at Luther, I did not even attempt to hide my worry from him. Touching my cheek in comfort before stepping back, Luther turned to face the waiting Medics. "Let us be quick. It does not take long for a guard to try pushing his luck with an elite."

"This way, Princess." Going to his office door, Ellery stuck his head out before sliding it fully open and proceeding down the metal grey corridor. Holding my hand, Luther followed after the two medics, with our Elite captains a step behind.

We followed the Medics into a treatment room. It consisted of a bench for the patient to lay or sit and a wall full of shelves holding different equipment sections. Along the back wall was an extensive system that was already fired up, ready to go.

Nyla was waiting by the examination table, a tray of items on a trolley next to her. Gathering up my hand after I sat, Nyla imprisoned my middle finger and pricked it. My black blood bloomed across my chalk-white fingertip. Placing a microchip under my bleeding finger, Nyla pressed down, helping the electronic sponge to absorb my blood until it was saturated. Then releasing my hand, Nyla handed me a swab before giving Ellery the chip.

"Please lie down, Princess, and we'll start the next lot of tests while we wait for the computer to process your blood."

Lying back, I turned my head to watch as Ellery slid the chip into place and press a button to start the test. That's when Nyla put a monitor over my eyes, blinding me to the room. "I'm going to insert a probe which will give us an image and details of what's happening inside you now. It can be a little uncomfortable but is perfectly safe."

When Nyla went to lift my dress, I reacted automatically, gripping my skirt to hold it down. Luther's large hands took mine, lifting them away as he kissed my forehead. "You are safe, Zira. No one can see anything. Your dress will still cover you. If you bend your knees, it will make it less unpleasant."

"You've done this before?" I asked, surprised by how aware of the process he was. Bending my knees like he suggested, I gritted my teeth as Nyla slipped something small and cold where only a lover should go.

"Yes," he admitted quietly. "Former lovers have claimed to be with child before. But they were mistaken. Praldian facilities are not as advanced as Cyran. Normally, confirmation is not certain for several months. Cyran technology can confirm after the first week and pre-detect any possible dangers to the child's health from the mother's body, allowing us to remove those threats if possible. We can determine quantity and sex immediately."

"You can foresee the threat of missfall?" The device started buzzing. Only Luther's weight over me stopped me from jumping off the bench. Instead, I gripped his upper arms, somewhat disturbed by the sensation.

"Yes, Zira. It is why we have a low death rate. So just relax. It is nearly all over."

The buzzing stopped, and, after a slight tugging sensation, Nyla shifted my dress back into place, patting my outer thigh. "It's all done, child. You can sit up now." Removing the monitor from my eyes, she gifted me a proud smile. "You are with child. Multiple, as I suspected."

My hand went instinctively to my womb, still somewhat surprised I carried life inside me. Luther's hand covered mine. When I lifted my gaze, he was barely restraining a smile. For once, his eyes met mine. His desire to be a father floated between us, blooming across my chest like a warm breeze.

Ellery joined us, disturbing the moment. "Well, the blood work came back positive, and there does not seem to be any conflicts to worry about so far. The Princess is in good health, and so are your children." Looking between us, Ellery handed Luther his tablet. "Paternity is confirmed as yours, my Prince."

Nyla froze. My eyes bulged with indignation, but Luther turned to Hartwin and simply gave a slight nod. Hartwin met my eyes for a moment, then dropped his to the floor. Shame avalanched down upon me.

"Do I have sons?" Luther asked firmly. Finally, I saw the swab on his finger where Ellery took a sample to test paternity.

Ellery looked to Nyla, who wore her anger for me like a crown. "Congratulations, Prince Saboa, your companion carries the heirs to two thrones within her."

Ignoring the curt tone Nyla used, Ellery returned to his system to start deleting the test data. Nyla, in turn, gave us privacy by turning her attention to the portable tester she'd used, deleting its records.

"Let's return to quarters before the first injury arrives," Luther announced. When he put out his arm to help me down from the bench, I ignored it, sliding down from the Cyran height bench on my own, refusing to even look at Luther.

Sighing, Luther hugged me to him. "You can yell at me in private, Zira."

The teleportation channels buzzed, and we were back in the sitting room. Stepping back from Luther, I wrapped my gangly arms around me. I still couldn't look at him. Luther crossed his arms. "Zira?" I'm sure he was expecting another fight. "I needed to be certain, you understand?"

"Of course. You've been cheated in the past, and I've given you a reason to doubt. It was a logical expectation that you should make sure I carry the rightful heirs to your thrones. If you'll excuse me, I'd like a rest before lunch."

Luther looked skyward. "Hartwin, was she too reasonable just then?"

At the bedroom door, I turned to slide it shut. Anberon was trying to cover the smirk on his face, but Hartwin met my gaze. "Excessively. I would avoid being near her and a large body of water for the rest of the day."

Raising a brow, Luther turned to face Hartwin. "She is angry? Her eyes are not bright." Luther glanced at me, then back to Hartwin.

"Not angry. She is ashamed. Much more dangerous if she feels you are the reason she is shamed."
