Page 10 of No Pucking Way

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I came to a halt at the entrance because there she was…

Standing in the concession line with the smile on her face that only belonged to me…her date by her side.

Hot jealousy licked through my veins and my hand twitched towards the gun hidden beneath my jacket. For a second I imagined pointing the gun at him, blood spattering everywhere, his body falling to the ground.

I took some deep inhales. Only Kennedy made me lose control like this. She was my redemption and my hell all wrapped up in one perfect package.

I can’t kill him just for standing next to her…

Except he was leaning in, attempting to put his arm around her as they stood in line. Kennedy, ever graceful, smoothly slid out of his reach, her smile never faltering.

"Good girl," I murmured under my breath, ridiculously hoping she’d moved because her body knew she belonged to someone else…even if her head did not.

The idiot said something to Kennedy that made her throw her head back and laugh, in an unabashed way that was different from how she’d been when we’d first met her.

I guess one perk of amnesia was that she didn’t remember all the things from her childhood that had held her back. She could laugh like that now, when she couldn’t before.

She looked so happy right then, I was almost tempted to let the date continue just for the movie…but then his hand slipped to her lower back. And I couldn’t take it.

The date was ending. NOW.

My phone buzzed with a message from my security team. The text contained the identity of the guy, along with his phone number. Just what I needed.

As Kennedy’s group approached the theater entrance, I sent a text message from a burner phone to her date’s phone.

Brian? I found your credit card near the theater. Meet me out front to claim it.

I watched as he glanced at his phone, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion, and then quickly excused himself from Kennedy's side, heading toward the entrance of the theater.

What a fucking sheep. He hadn’t even checked to see if the card was missing. Or wondered how I’d gotten his number.

Kennedy, her friend Carrie, and Carrie’s husband proceeded inside, and I stepped into the shadows outside the entrance.

Minutes passed, and then I saw him, emerging from the theater doors, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern. He scanned the area, looking for the person who had supposedly found his credit card.

I’m by the movie statue, I texted, referencing an eyesore of a sculpture near the side of the building.

Without seemingly one concern, he strode towards me.

I stepped forward from behind the statue, making sure to stay in the shadows, and I grabbed him by the collar and yanked him into the alleyway before he could react.

"What the hell?" he stammered, attempting to break free from my grip.

Slamming him against the brick of the building, I pulled out my gun and pushed it against his chest.

His face drained of color and he whimpered.


I tightened my hold, leaning in closer so that my words were a menacing whisper against his ear.

"Stay away from Kennedy," I warned. "You won't contact her, approach her, or even think about her. Do you understand?"

His eyes widened, and he stammered, "I...why? Who are you?"

If he hadn’t just pissed his pants…I would have almost thought he had some courage.

I leaned in closer, my words dripping with menace. "I will kill you if you ever talk to her again. Is that clear enough?"
