Page 100 of No Pucking Way

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"Let go, Kennedy," he urged, his voice low and commanding. "You're safe with me."

And with those words, I surrendered to the sensations. My body trembled and shook, safely cradled in his arms.

My moans echoed off the tiled walls, mingling with the sound of the cascading water.

When my breathing had steadied, Sebastian gently pulled me upright and turned off the faucet. He grabbed a plush towel, wrapping it around me before lifting me from the tub and cradling me in his arms.

"Sebastian," I murmured sleepily, clinging to him as he carried me into his bedroom and laid me down on the soft, luxurious sheets. "Promise me you'll stay with me tonight. I need to know I'm not lost in the coma again."

"Of course, Kennedy. You'll never be alone again. I promise," he reassured me, tucking the covers around my body and climbing into bed beside me.

"Your feels like home," I mumbled, my eyelids heavy with the weight of exhaustion.

"It better, princess," Sebastian murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. "This is your home. This is where you've always been meant to be."

* * *

There was a shadowy figure in the door of my room. I knew it wasn’t a threat, but it was an asshole.

“Go away,” I whispered at Carter.

Her breathing was soft and even as she lay curled against me with her head cushioned on my shoulder.

I felt more comfortable than I had in five years.

Like this place had just been a place to sleep until I carried her through the doors. But with her in my bed…we were both home.

“Not a chance,” Carter said.

“You’re going to wake her up, asshole.”

“You don’t get to go off on your own making decisions. Get your ass out here. Or Iwillwake her up.”

I’d fucking die for Carter, but I also would seriously contemplate murdering him myself from time to time.

I kissed her forehead and she let out a happy little sigh that melted my heart. “Be right back, princess,” I whispered, feeling my heart twist at having to get out of bed. I eased my arm out from under her head and then crept across the room.

I had been in such a good mood having her close, but my mood darkened with every step away from her. I felt pretty pissed by the time I closed the door softly behind me and met Carter and Jack in our living room.

“What the fuck couldn't wait?” I asked.

“You don't deserve to be cuddling in there with her, like you've rescued her from all her problems, when you're the one who gave her half those problems. You burned her fucking house down, you asshole.”

“We all agreed that place was a shithole, and she needed to move in with us,” I said.

“She brings out the absolute psycho in you.” Jack sounded disbelieving.

“She does the same for you, if you recall,” I answered stiffly. “Anyway, now she'll stay with us. Problem solved.”

Carter swore. “We better talk through our alibi, just in case you're not as smooth anymore as you think you are, pyro. We've got a good life, a clean life, a life that she needs us to have if we're going to be good enough for her. No more fucking crimes.”

“No more fuckinghalf cockedcrimes,” Jack corrected, and we both looked at him. He shrugged. “I'm not planning anything. But I don't want to make promises I can't keep.”

“I cannot handle the two of you,” Carter said.

He walked away from us into the kitchen. But we followed him.

Carter turned back to face me. “Greyson is going to know it's you. When the four of us were trying to take down the Muertes gang to prove ourselves to his father, you were the one who burned down their headquarters and their entire supply. He knows your MO.”
