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Tessa and Caroline exchanged glances. “If you need that, then real estate sales definitely isn’t for you,” Tessa said.

“You know we do rentals, too,” Caroline said. “Those move faster. The money’s not as high but it’s where I focused when I started out. And when I felt more comfortable, I shifted more energy to straight sales.”

“It’s still 100% commission, though,” Tessa said.


Sophie smiled. “I’ll just cheer you two on. I’m enjoying the front desk for now and it’s just for one more week. I’ll be on to something new after that.” She hoped that Kara might have more assignments with other real estate firms. It would be interesting to see the difference between offices.

Chapter Seven

“So, Mollie is definitely coming back on Monday,” Andrea said. It was Friday afternoon a little before five and Sophie’s last day at Fulton. She wouldn’t be going out tonight as both Tessa and Caroline had other plans. But they’d gone for drinks the night before and exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch. Sophie hoped that she’d see the girls again once she left Fulton, as she had no other friends in the city. But realistically, she wasn’t counting on it. She knew it was easy to go for drinks with people when they worked in the same office. Once she left, she suspected she’d be out of sight and out of mind. But maybe they would surprise her.

She was happy though that Kara had already lined up her next assignment and it was at another real estate firm, Broadview Partners. It would be another receptionist role, so she was looking forward to it.

“You did a great job for us. We’d love to request you again if we need any coverage. If you are still temping, that is,” Andrea said.

“Oh, I’d love that. I should still be available.”

Over dinner that night, Aunt Penny delivered some shocking news. They were at a tiny French restaurant, and they’d had a lovely dinner so far. They were on dessert, sharing a big slice of baked Alaska, when Aunt Penny coughed again. The familiar rumbling that always made Sophie nervous.

“So, it’s not a big deal, but I probably should let you know that I have a bit of cancer,” Aunt Penny said lightly, as if she was commenting on the weather.

“Cancer?!” Sophie was horrified.

Aunt Penny nodded. “I’ve had a few skin cancers taken off my nose over the years. One of them went deeper and traveled to my neck. It gets in the way at times and that’s what causes my coughing.”

Sophie frowned. “What will they do for it?” It sounded like it might be treatable.

“Nothing. I’m ninety-two. I’m not up for any of that chemo or radiation nonsense. I’m not in any pain. It’s just occasionally uncomfortable. I wouldn’t have said anything at all, but I didn’t want you to be shocked if I don’t get up one day.”

Sophie opened her mouth to speak, but no words came. Aunt Penny reached out and grabbed hold of her hand and squeezed it. “Please don’t be alarmed, my dear. I have had a wonderful and long life. I intend to enjoy every remaining day that I have. I might have another year or it might be a few weeks or a month.” She smiled peacefully. “I’m fine with whatever it is. I’ll be seeing my Joe soon.”

“Are you sure you’re not in any pain?” Sophie asked.

Aunt Penny gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I’m really not, except for this slightly annoying cough. I feel fine. A bit more tired than usual, but that’s okay. This isn’t going to happen immediately. I just thought you should know. Please keep it to yourself though. It’s no one else’s business and I don’t want people to fuss.”

Sophie knew she mean Sophie’s parents, especially her mother, who would have a million questions and probably try to talk Aunt Penny into treatment, which Sophie knew would make her miserable. Sophie didn’t blame her. She would probably feel the same if she was her aunt’s age and was feeling fine.

“Let’s go home and watch some TV, shall we?” Aunt Penny said brightly.

Sophie nodded. “I’d love that.”

Max joined them the following Thursday for pizza and a session of watchingOnly Murders in the Building. A new season had just dropped, and they were excited to watch.

“Are you still at that real estate firm? It looked like you were having fun with the girls from the office,” Max said as he reached for a slice of pepperoni pizza.

“No, I finished that assignment last week. I started a new one this week, at another real estate firm.”

“Does that mean you’ve found an industry you like?” he asked.

Sophie nodded. “I think so. This office has a different vibe. The agents are older and it’s a bit stuffier, but they’re nice and the work itself is interesting. I’m learning a lot about the real estate market.”

“How is your latest book coming along?” Aunt Penny asked him.

Max frowned. “It’s not at the moment. I’m at that awful stage, about a third of the way in where I have no idea what to do with these people and am convinced it’s my worst book yet.”

Aunt Penny looked sympathetic. “You do know that’s not true, though?”
