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Sophie knew the shock of the invitation must have been evident on her face because both Tessa and Caroline laughed. “We would have invited you out sooner, but we wanted to make sure you were going to stick around first,” Tessa added.

“Come out with us,” Caroline urged. “It’s Friday night and we deserve a cocktail.”

Sophie laughed. She had no plans. “Sure, I’m just about done here.” She turned the phones onto voicemail and shut down her computer. Then she grabbed her purse and they headed out.

Tessa led the way into Champers Social Club, a boutique restaurant that specialized in champagne cocktails. Sophie had never been there before and was impressed as she looked around. It was a beautiful space, small and cozy, decorated in soft pinks and greens with whimsical pale pink chandeliers. The tiny bar had maybe a half dozen or so seats and a framed photo of Sophia Loren above the wine glasses. It was already busy with people stopping in for after-work cocktails. Tessa went straight to the bar and claimed the three seats that had just opened up.

“What do you want?” Tessa asked. “I’m getting the Blackberry and Thyme spritz.”

“That sounds good. I’ll have that too,” Sophie said.

“I’ll have the Champagne Shirley,” Caroline said. “It’s like a grownup Shirley Temple, with champagne,” she explained to Sophie.

When the bartender delivered their drinks, Caroline held hers up and they toasted to the end of the work week. “Cheers!” she said.

Sophie took a sip of her drink. It was bubbly and fragrant, slightly sweet and delicious.

“I’m starving, let’s get some snacks,” Tessa said. They decided to order pigs in a blanket, hot artichoke dip and a raw vegetable platter. Everything was delicious. As they sat at the bar, Sophie watched the crowd swell as people seemed to pour into the restaurant.

“We got here just in time,” Caroline said happily as she dipped a chip into the bubbling dish of artichokes and melted cheese.

A short while later, Sophie was surprised by a familiar voice behind her.

“Hey there! Nice to see you out, Sophie.” She looked up to see Max and his supermodel girlfriend, Millie, standing next to them. They were sipping glasses of champagne. Max introduced Sophie, “This is the very cool neighbor I was telling you about. She and her aunt have me over for TV night.”

Millie nodded and smiled ever-so-slightly. “Nice to meet you.”

Sophie quickly introduced Tessa and Caroline to them. “We work together at Fulton Real Estate.

Max smiled. “Ah so you’re going to be a real estate mogul now then?”

Sophie laughed. “I’m answering the phones.”

He grinned. “Everyone has to start somewhere.” The buzzer in his hand started to flash and vibrate. “Looks like our table is ready. Enjoy your night, ladies.”

As soon as Max and Millie were out of earshot, Tessa turned to Sophie. “Max Bennett is your neighbor? Where do you live?”

Sophie hesitated. “I’m staying with my aunt. She has an apartment on Fifth Avenue.”

Tessa and Caroline both looked impressed. “Must be nice,” Tessa said. “I’m sharing an apartment with two other girls in Murray Hill, and it’s hideously small and ridiculously expensive.”

“Same here,” Caroline added. “Our lease is up in a little over a month and we’re hearing from other residents that the landlord is hiking rents up by an obscene amount. I may need to look for a new place.”

“My lease is up soon too, and I’m not sure what I want to do either,” Tessa said. “I love being in the city, but the rents are ridiculous.”

“How long have you both worked at Fulton?” Sophie asked.

“We started within a week of each other, almost two years ago. It was my first job in real estate. I think Caroline had more experience,” Tessa said.

“I did. I worked for my family’s real estate office in upstate New York. It was a good way to learn how to sell. I knew I wanted to be in the city though.”

“Do you love it?” Sophie asked. “My aunt actually suggested that I consider it, but the thought of sales and working on commission is a little intimidating.”

Tessa and Caroline both nodded. “I can’t imagine doing anything else,” Tessa said. “Sky is the limit on what we make, and I like being in control of that. The harder I work, the better I do. Though it was slow at first for me and it can be a little nerve-racking at times when all your sure thing deals fall through. That’s why I still have roommates. I’m building up my savings.”

“That happens more often than we’d like,” Caroline added. “Deals fall apart at the last minute for all kinds of reasons—they don’t get financing, the appraisal doesn’t come in high enough, the seller decides not to sell or the co-op board says no. Nothing is a done deal until it actually closes. But I agree with Tessa. I love it, too.”

“You make it sound appealing,” Sophie said. “I don’t think I’m in a financial position to afford to do it, though. I need a guaranteed salary.”
