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The other women were friendly and included Sophie in the conversation.

“So, Max says you guys are next door neighbors?” Anna asked.

Sophie explained how Max was neighbors with her aunt and that’s how they met.

They both offered their condolences. “It’s good that you met Max. It’s nice to know your neighbors,” Lori said.

“Yeah, Max has been great. It was hard at first to be there without my aunt. I still miss her,” Sophie admitted. “I have two friends moving in soon though, so it will be good to have roommates, I think.”

Max looked surprised at the news. “I thought you didn’t know anyone in the city?”

“It’s the two girls from work that I mentioned, Caroline and Tessa. I think you’ll like them.”

“Hmmm. How well do you really know them, though? What if you don’t like them living with you?”

Sophie hadn’t thought that far ahead. She felt optimistic though.

“I think it will be fine. We all get along well. And I’ll be glad for the company.”

“You should have them sign a lease. That way you have an end date in case it doesn’t work out. Not trying to be negative, but without a lease, it will be difficult to get someone out if you decide you don’t want them there anymore.”

Sophie realized that was probably good advice. She nodded. “I’ll do that. I’ll have them both sign one-year leases.”

“Good. I’m happy to read it over if you like. I’ve signed my share of leases over the years,” Max said.

“Great, I’ll gladly take you up on that.”

The dinner was excellent and the conversation was lively. They went through several bottles of red wine for the table. It was an Italian red blend and it was smooth and delicious. Sophie had chicken marsala with gnocchi and it was so good. She shared a slice of tiramisu with Max for dessert and then the group made their way a few blocks over to the bar where Eric’s girlfriend worked.

Her name was Jessica and she waved at them from the bar when they walked in. Sophie had another glass of red wine and they all got their drinks from Jessica and then found seats near the bar. There was a band setting up and once they started to play the bar filled up even more. They played a mix of blues and rock and were really good. It was difficult to talk over the music though, so Sophie finally gave up trying and just enjoyed listening.

They stayed for two sets and then around midnight everyone was ready to head home. It still was nice out, so Max and Sophie decided to walk home. They were a few blocks closer, so it didn’t take too long. By the time they reached their building, Sophie was ready to fall into bed. It had been a fun night though.

“Thanks for bringing me out tonight. That was fun. I like your friends,” Sophie said.

“It was fun. And I could tell they liked you too.” Max grinned. “Especially Jared. He asked me to find out if he could call you. No worries if the answer is no.”

Sophie was flattered. But she wasn’t sure how she felt about Jared. He seemed like a nice guy, but she hadn’t felt any romantic sparks. Still, she knew she tended to be too picky and that sometimes those sparks weren’t always there at the beginning. At least that’s what her friends said. They’d encouraged her to go out with guys at least a few times before ruling them out. And it’s not like she had a long list of men wanting to date her at the moment.

“Sure, feel free to give him my number.”

Max looked pleased. “Will do. Sleep well, Sophie.”

Chapter Thirteen

Caroline and Tessa moved in the following weekend. Caroline came first, on Saturday afternoon and Tessa on Sunday morning. That Saturday night, once Caroline was settled in her room, and had unpacked most of her things, she and Sophie walked around the corner and had dinner at her aunt’s favorite Italian restaurant. Both Tony and Richard were at the front desk, seating people and checking to make sure everything was going smoothly. They both gave Sophie hugs when they saw her, and she introduced them to Caroline.

“We hope that we will see you often,” Tony said.

Richard led them to a great table by the window and sent over a complimentary appetizer, a wedge of creamy burrata cheese with crusty garlic bread on the side. Caroline was impressed.

“Are you a regular here?” she asked.

Sophie smiled. “My aunt was. She came here at least once a week.”

They had a lovely meal and a glass of wine each and then walked home, changed into their pajamas and watched movies in the living room with Charlie curled up between them on the sofa. It was exactly the kind of evening that Sophie had hoped for.

The vibe changed a little though when Tessa arrived the next day around one with her boyfriend, Cody. Tessa introduced him to Sophie, and he seemed like a nice guy. He was average height with muscled arms and short hair. He carried in Tessa’s heaviest suitcases. She had a lot of stuff with her—boxes and suitcase—and Sophie and Caroline helped to carry it all into her bedroom, too. Once everything was in, Cody gave her a kiss goodbye and left Tessa to it. She didn’t emerge for several hours as she unpacked and put things away. When she did finally join them in the living room, she asked if there was any storage space in the apartment.
