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Sophie thought for a moment. “Not really, but if it’s just a box or two, you could put it in my aunt’s room, I suppose.”

“Perfect.” Tessa went into her room and carried two cardboard boxes into Aunt Penny’s bedroom. And then she joined them and flopped on the living room sofa next to Caroline.

“I really hate moving,” she said.

“I didn’t mind it this time. I was glad to get out of my tiny apartment,” Caroline said.

“That’s true. Now that I’m here and unpacked, it’s all good,” Tessa said. She sat up and grinned. “It’s almost five o’clock, right?”

Caroline glanced at her watch. “It’s a quarter past four.”

“Close enough. Who wants a glass of champagne? I brought a bottle for us to crack open tonight to celebrate moving in day.”

Sophie went to the kitchen and got some glasses for the champagne. Tessa brought it into the kitchen and twisted it open with a loud pop. She poured glasses for all of them. Sophie found a block of cheddar cheese in the fridge and sliced it up and put it on a tray with some crackers. They returned to their spots in the living room and Sophie set the cheese and crackers on the coffee table.

“Here’s to the Fifth Avenue Apartment and a big thank you to Sophie’s Aunt Penny,” Tessa said.

They all clinked their glasses together and Sophie felt a rush of sadness thinking of Aunt Penny. It was bittersweet that Sophie was living there, enjoying her aunt’s apartment. She hoped that it would work out having Caroline and Tessa for roommates. So far, it seemed like they were off to a good start.

The first few weeks with Caroline and Tessa as roommates went better than Sophie expected, much to her relief. Max’s comments when they were out to dinner with his friends had planted seeds of doubt. She took his advice and had both girls sign one-year leases and they had no problem with it.

Both had boyfriends and they usually spent one and sometimes both nights with them on the weekends and sometimes a night or two during the week. Sophie went on her first date the weekend after they moved in. Jared had called and invited her to dinner. They went to a cozy French restaurant, and she had a nice time. Jared was good company and funny. They laughed and the conversation was easy. But there still weren’t any sparks. But she’d had fun, so when he suggested they do something the following weekend, she’d agreed. And hoped that some romantic sparks might emerge.

But they didn’t. They went out again and had a wonderful time. Sophie insisted on paying but Jared wouldn’t hear of it. He was a true gentleman. He seemed to sense the lack of sparks too, and though he suggested going out again, he didn’t say when and Sophie just nodded and thanked him again for dinner.

Max came over that Sunday night and had pizza with them. Tessa asked him how things were with his girlfriend.

“We’re good. She’s in South Africa this week. Her travel schedule is nuts.”

Sophie poured cabernet for them and Max took a sip and smiled.

“This one is great. What is it?” he asked.

“It’s a new favorite. Austin Hope.”

“I’ll have to remember that. So, I guess three strikes and Jared is out?”

Sophie was surprised at the comment. “Did he say something to you?”

Max took another sip of his wine. “He said you had a few great dates, but he doesn’t think you’re into him?”

She sighed. “I tried to be. He’s a really nice guy.”

“But you’re just not feeling it?”

“No. I was hoping the attraction might grow. I’ve been told I’m too picky,” Sophie said with a wry smile.

“I don’t believe that. I think attraction can grow sometimes, but there’s usually something there to start with,” Max said.

“I agree, totally,” Tessa said. “Every guy I’ve had a relationship with, the attraction was there pretty strongly from the beginning.”

“There was one time when I wasn’t attracted at all to someone. It was a friend that my other friends were trying to push me to be with. I didn’t find him attractive, so their pushing actually turned me off. But I got to know him as a friend and a year later, I saw him differently. But by then it was too late, and he was with someone else. I still wonder sometimes if he was the one that got away,” Caroline said.

“He wasn’t,” Tessa said matter-of-factly. “Ed is a great guy. You two are good together.”

Caroline took a sip of her wine. “You’re right. I know you’re right. It’s just sometimes after you really get to know someone, they do grow more attractive. It’s possible.”

“I never thought he was right for Sophie,” Max admitted.

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