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“Well, I told Rick I wanted to be on the Upper East Side but I had lunch yesterday in Soho and I really like the vibe here. So, I guess I’m open to different areas.”

“Oh, we just got a really stunning new listing in yesterday. It’s a penthouse in Soho. Three bedrooms and a gorgeous kitchen. It also has a pretty den that could be an office or a library. It’s elegant but cozy, too.” Sophie realized as she raved on about it that she didn’t know what price range the woman was looking at and this unit was one of their higher end listings, at just over ten million.

“It sounds lovely. I’ll definitely ask Rick about it.”

“What will you ask Rick about?” He’d walked up to the front desk and was all smiles.

“Sophie was just telling me about a fabulous new listing you have. A penthouse in Soho. I’d love to learn more about it.”

Rick looked surprised. “Of course. I didn’t realize you were open to Soho. It just came in and it’s a beauty. Let’s head back to my office.”

They disappeared and Sophie turned her attention to her ringing phone.

Twenty minutes later, Rick and the woman headed out and Rick told Sophie to take messages while he was gone. He returned ninety minutes later and was smiling as he walked in the door.

“Sophie, great job today. My client loved that Soho apartment and put an offer in. I’m pretty sure that it will be accepted.” He looked at her curiously. “How did you know to mention the Soho listing? She hadn’t been looking in that area.”

Sophie smiled. “She asked what was new and mentioned she’d had lunch in Soho recently and loved the feel of the area. I remembered seeing that listing and thinking it was so amazing, and that it seemed like a fit for her. Of course, I didn’t know her budget, so maybe I shouldn’t have said anything?”

Rick laughed. “No, definitely say something. That woman can buy whatever she wants, and she loved that property. Keep up the good work!”

Kara called later that day to check in and see how Sophie was liking the assignment.

“I love it. It’s my favorite so far.”

Kara laughed. “Good. I had a feeling you’d like it. When this one ends, I’ll keep an eye out for other assignments with real estate firms. They come up fairly regularly.”

“Great.” Sophie’s first week had flown by, and she was looking forward to the next two weeks. It was nice to finally have a job that she liked for a change.

Chapter Six

Sophie enjoyed her second week at Fulton even more than her first. She felt comfortable in the role now, and she was fascinated with what she was learning about real estate. She looked forward to typing up the weekly notes from the sales meeting and felt like she was there as she listened to the agents talk about new listings and sales and various issues they ran into. It was all interesting and she felt like a sponge, absorbing it all.

One night over dinner at her aunt’s favorite Italian restaurant, Sophie told her about a new listing that had come into the office that day.

“It’s not far from here, a few blocks down, and the building is just gorgeous. The asking price is twelve million, which Rick thinks might be pushing it a little, but it is Fifth Avenue, so he thinks it is possible.”

Aunt Penny smiled. “People do fall in love with Fifth Avenue. I know I did, so many years ago.”

“This apartment is almost as nice as yours. Not quite but close. It only has three bedrooms and the kitchen is smaller, but it has lovely views of the park and some beautiful custom molding throughout.”

“It sounds lovely,” Aunt Penny said. She looked thoughtful for a moment before saying, “Have you ever thought of going into real estate sales?”

The question surprised Sophie. “No, never. I don’t think I’m the type for sales.” When Sophie thought about salespeople she pictured high energy types like Rick or assertive ones like Tessa.

“You’re passionate about it and knowledgeable. That enthusiasm is contagious, and it could translate to success with sales. Might be worth considering.”

“Hmmm.” Sophie wasn’t convinced. Real estate sales and working on all commission seemed a bit terrifying to her. How could you plan and pay your bills when your income was so uncertain?

Aunt Penny coughed suddenly a deep faint rumbling that she couldn’t seem to shake.

“How are you feeling? Maybe you should see your doctor? That cough has been lingering.”

But Aunt Penny shook her head. “It’s nothing but a tickle. I’m fine. Would you like a little more wine?” She held the bottle of chianti over Sophie’s glass, and she nodded. “Yes, please.”

Friday afternoon a little before five, Tessa and Caroline walked up to the reception desk. Sophie assumed they were probably just saying goodbye before heading out for the weekend, but Tessa surprised her.

“We’re going for a drink at Champers, do you want to join us?”
