Page 22 of Yours Actually

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“Okay, here’s what I’m going to do,” I say before outlining my plan to send a cease and desist.“If it’s okay with you, I’ll call Katie and get all the information I need from her.”

“Yeah, I’ve told her you’ll probably have to do that.She’s ready for your call.”He exhales another long breath.“What a fuck up.If I could go back and change everything I did, I would.”

As a lawyer, I keep my personal feelings to myself.They don’t come into my work.Not even when I’m thinkingyes, what a fuck up that we all could have avoided.“I’ll keep you updated, Mace.Hopefully, the cease and desist will put a stop to this.”

“And if not?”

“If not, we have other avenues we can take.One step at a time.I’ll be in touch.”

I’m on my way back to Callan when I run into Sasha.

“Who’s that woman Callan’s talking to?”she asks, nodding toward a table that’s three over from ours.

Callan’s sitting with a blonde woman, deep in conversation.He looks like he’s held captive by her.“I don’t know,” I say as I experience the jealous churning in my stomach that I only ever feel when I see Callan with another woman.

“Hmmm, they seem very cozy.”She eyes me.“At least he’s not acting weirdly anymore.I was worried about him when I saw him fight that other woman off earlier.”

I’m busy staring at him, noting the way his eyes are fixed intently on the blonde, and only vaguely hear what Sasha says.

I hate this.I hate that even though I made peace years ago with the fact I know he’ll never be mine, I still have these jealous feelings.I just want them to go away and never return.They’re useless and unproductive.All they do is remind me I’m a twenty-nine-year-old woman hung up on her best friend, who has a past littered with failed relationships, awkward dating moments, and bad sex.

“Okay.”I loop my arm through my friend’s.“It’s time we had a drink.”

Sasha looks at me with confusion.“We already have.”

I shake my head.“No, we sipped a few cocktails.Now, I’m ready for a real drink.”

Sasha glances in the direction I’m staring and suddenly connects the dots.She tightens my arm in hers and nods.“I agree.It’s time for a drink.”



“Have you seen Olivia?”I ask Rhodes after I finish my conversation with Lana Smith.

“Yeah, she’s on the dance floor with Sash.They’ve been into the whiskey.”

I look at the dance floor that’s three tables away from us.The 16-piece orchestra are currently playing a song I don’t know.The lyrics suggest it’s about a toxic attraction.Olivia’s hips are enjoying the hell out of the song.“How much whiskey?”

Rhodes eyes his fiancée.“Enough that I know I’m in for a good afternoon.”He chuckles as he looks back at me.“Either that or they’re both gonna pass out by three p.m.”

Olivia isn’t a big drinker.At the most, she usually only has a couple of cocktails when she drinks.If she switches to whiskey, something’s up, and it generally ends with her intoxicated.If the way she’s dancing is anything to go by, she’s close to or has reached intoxication levels.

It makes me wonder what happened in between her leaving me to make a work call and now.I got sidetracked talking with Lana who has helped shed some light on why my German deal has taken a bad turn, so I missed Olivia coming back from her call.

While I’m thinking about this, Peter Hudson moves behind Olivia and begins dancing with her.I tense at the sight, not fucking liking the way he’s bending to whisper something in Liv’s ear, or the fact his hands are on her body.

“Easy, tiger,” Rhodes says, and when I meet his gaze, I find him watching me with a knowing look.

“I don’t like that guy for her.”

“You don’t like any guy for her.”

“Not true.I liked Jensen for her.”

“You liked the factshedidn’t like him.”

“She was in love with him, Rhodes.Have you forgotten she dated him for almost a year?”
