Page 52 of Heart Like a Cowboy

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That was probably true, but in Alana’s case, spreading the guilt around didn’t thin it out. But that still didn’t mean Tilly had had the right to say and do those things to Egan. Especially while Tilly was turning a blind eye to Jack’s own part in what had happened.

Especially then.

That caused the anger to roll through Alana again, and the anger spurred her mind to replay every ugly word Tilly had said to Egan. Even without the slaps, those words would have been way out of line.

“So, you can tell me to mind my own business,” Cal said, getting her attention, “but are you and Egan having sex?”

“No,” Alana said, the anger feeding her tone. And apparently everything else. “Not yet. But I intend to remedy that very, very soon.”

EGANHADTHEAndalusian stallion in a full gallop. The hooves chopped into the grass and dirt as he flew across the pasture.

Well, flew for a horse, anyway.

The speed gave him a partial rush, but it wasn’t anywhere near what he would have gotten in a fighter jet. Still, it would have to do because there was no way he should be in a cockpit when he was in this state of mind.

A state of mind he’d brought on himself.

Tilly had every right to react the way she had. Toward him, anyway. But it riled Egan to the core that she had turned on Alana that way. Tilly’s reaction didn’t lessen Egan’s blame, but it sure as hell made him a lot less sympathetic to Jack’s mom. Yeah, she’d lost a son, but Alana had lost a husband. A cheating one, yes, but Alana had loved Jack, and she had lost him in a horrible way at a horrible time.

The stallion kept up the gallop and seemed to enjoy being out on full throttle, but Egan eased him to a canter when he spotted the rider approaching. At first, he thought it was Jesse or one of the hands since anyone who’d seen him after the park incident would have noticed his rotten mood. But as Egan got closer, he realized it was his brother Cal.

Cal certainly hadn’t had time to get home if he’d heard about what had gone on with Tilly so Egan had to wonder what this unscheduled visit was about. Especially since Cal had told him it’d be at least another month before he could get any leave. Egan was about to ask him if he’d been injured or something, but Cal spoke before he got the chance.

“You always were more cowboy than Top Gun,” Cal remarked. “That was some good riding.”

“Blue’s the better rider,” Egan pointed out, reining in and studying his brother’s face. No injuries, but he knew Cal well enough to see some concern in his eyes. “You were always the better cowboy.”

“Remi might have something to say about that,” Cal said with a chuckle.

Yeah, she might. “When did you get in?” Egan asked.

“Apparently, about ten minutes after you left the park.”

Well, hell. Egan had come out here to get away from all that, and it seemed there wasn’t going to be an escape, after all.

“How much did you hear?” Egan pressed.

“Enough. I saw Alana’s car, stopped and ended up overhearing some of her conversation with Tilly. Jack’s mom clearly wasn’t in a good mood. If you want to tell me why that is, I’ll listen.”

“I don’t want to tell you,” Egan was quick to answer. Quick to change the subject, too, though he was under no illusions that he’d heard the last of it from Cal. “Have you seen Dad yet?”

Cal nodded, and riding side by side, they started at a walking gait back toward the ranch. “It was a shock. He’s always looked so strong. So in charge. He’s not in charge now.”

“No,” Egan agreed in a mutter. “I’m taking care of the office stuff, but my leave is up in two weeks. Decisions will have to be made soon.”

Egan was working on that, but first he had to come to terms with it. Once he figured out what he had to do, that is. Then, he’d have to get his dad on board. Since his dad wasn’t protesting or objecting too much these days, that probably wouldn’t be much of a challenge. The challenge would be to figure out a way to get his dad invested in life and the ranch again.

That might not even be possible.

If so, no matter how much time and effort Egan threw at the ranch, he might not succeed.

“I could get out of the Air Force,” Cal suggested.

Egan’s huff was so loud that the stallion snorted. “You’re a decorated officer. A Top Gun.” Egan quickly did the math. “And you’ve put in nearly thirteen years. Added to that, you’re a Super Troop. Your last promotion was below the zone.”

Below the zone, meaning that he’d gotten an early promotion. So, even though Cal had entered the military three years after Egan, Cal was the same rank. Added to that, Cal was on track to make colonel early as well.

Cal shrugged. “I can’t put the ranch and Dad solely on your shoulders.”
