Page 39 of Monster's Past

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“I do.”

I freeze. “So you weren’t going to have sex with me, but youdohave condoms for it?”

He pulls back and looks at me. “Of course I do. When I realised you were my mate, I wanted to be prepared in case we did.”

“Oh.” Warmth fills me at his care. “So when you say you have them, you do meannow,right?” If he says they’re in his room, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Maybe send him back for them, potion be damned.

A bemused smile pulls at the corners of his lips, and he pulls away, leaving me disappointed. It only lasts a moment, as he goes over to his satchel and pulls out a box, bringing it over to me and putting it down.

“Happy?” he teases.

“Oh, very. And curious.”

“Why am I not surprised?”

“Because you know me,” I respond, gesturing for him to come back. The only disappointing thing about him stepping back between my legs is that I can no longer look at him.

“Perhaps I can sate some of that,” he murmurs against my lips, capturing me in a deep kiss.

“Please,” I say through a whimper.

He runs a hand up my leg and beneath my skirt.

“Yes,” I murmur as he pushes my panties aside and finds my entrance.

A gasp escapes me as he pushes his fingers into me and curls them up to hit just the right spot. I grab hold of his arm, bunching up the fabric there and wishing there was none of it.

Warmth spreads through me as a release starts to build.

“Want to try something?” he murmurs into my ear.

“Anything,” I respond, though the word is barely audible.

He lifts up his free hand and lets purple magic the same colour as his eyes run over his fingers.

I bite my bottom lip even as the first of the magic jumps to my skin.

“Tell me when it’s too much,” he says.

I nod, but I’m not really able to focus on anything other than the release building within me. I’m not even sure what his magic is doing until I realise my release is building higher than it ever has before.

Which is why he wants me to tell him when it’s too much. His fingers find the right spot, and between that and the magic, it feels like there’s so much pressure inside me that I’m going to explode.

“Now,” I moan.

I don’t know what he does, but the release crashes through me. My whole body starts to shake and I cry out, far louder than I should given we’re not anywhere particularly private. But right now, I don’t care, the only thing I can think about is how good it feels for him to touch me.

I collapse my head against Cethin’s shoulder, breathing heavily and trying to regain some composure so we can continue.

“Are you all right?” he asks.

“Mmhmm. More than all right,” I respond dreamily. “I’d like more of that.”

He chuckles. “I can give you more.”

“Or you can give me you.”

His eyes flare purple, and I realise that it’s not just his protectiveness that brings it out, it’s his desire too.
