Page 27 of Don't Make Promises

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I’ve been gone for a week. What happened?

Further up the hallway, between the kitchen and bathroom, I spot fistholes in the walls. I hope Noah doesn’t notice.

My eyes go to the spot where I’d dumped my bags, finding it empty. “I left ‘em by the door, but I’m guessin’ he moved ’em. I’ll just—”

My words are cut short when Will steps into the hallway from the kitchen at the back of the house. If at all possible, he looks like he’s lost weight in the few days since I left. I know I shouldn't, but I can’t help but compare him to the man standing behind me. Where Noah looks like he could crush you with a hug, Will looks like you could push him over with one finger.

Will’s movements are skittish and his gaze wild as he moves toward us. Noah’s hand lands on my hip, and I ignore the jolt of electricity only partially dulled by the layers of my clothes. Noah moves me to stand behind him, my view now filled with the broad expanse of his dark navy suit covered back.

Peering around him, I watch as Will scratches at his arm. He looks between me and Noah before he asks, “Who are you?”

It takes a moment for me to process what Noah’s just done by moving me behind him.Who does he think he is?

I push past him, eyeing him. When I’m standing between them, I answer Will, my voice soft and cajoling, “We’ve just come to get my things, Will.”

This isn’t the guy I knew.

Did I even know him?

My eyes don’t leave him, certain that he’s high on something or other.

“Who are you?” Will asks again, taking a step forward, his unfocused stare on Noah.

Noah and I talk at the same time.

“This is Noah, he’s my—”

“I’m her new boyfriend.”

A warmth pools in my stomach at his declaration before I catch myself.

Excuse me?

He didnotjust say what I think he said.

Will’s hands ball into fists at his side and I watch as a red mist takes him over. Dragging in deep breaths through his nose, he exhales them noisily, trying to get a hold of his anger. All the while, staring daggers at an unphased Noah. That’s literally the worst thing Noah could have possibly said right now.

Spinning to face Noah, I smack him on his very solid chest before turning to face Will again, ignoring the throb in my hand at the contact.

Will splutters, “He’s your new boyfriend? How could you do that to me, Savannah?”

My mind doesn’t quite catch up with my mouth when I respond, “Are you serious? You were screwing my old roommate in our bed. So what if I’ve moved on? We were through the second you touched her.”

Will rushes toward me, his movements surprisingly coordinated. I brace myself for whatever he might try. But before he can reach me, Noah moves around me in the small space, stopping Will in his tracks. With his hands fisted, Noah stalks toward Will. For each step he takes, Will takes one back.

I can feel the anger radiating off of Noah. And, even though I don’t know all the details of his childhood, I know that he doesn’t tolerate men putting their hands on women.

“Noah,” I call softly.

He doesn’t acknowledge me, instead, he continues his approach toward Will.

Worried that he might do something he’ll regret, I plead with him. “Don’t do anything stupid, Noah. He’s not worth it.”

Pulling in a breath through his nose, Noah growls, his eyes still on Will, “Go and find your bags, Van.”

I don’t move. I can’t. I’m frozen to the spot, replying, “Promise me you won’t hurt him.”

Will smirks, and Noah lunges for him, grabbing onto the front of his dirty white tee. The smile that was forming drops from his face when Noah responds, “I can’t do that, angel.”
