Page 80 of Don't Make Promises

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Distractedly, her eyes still on the movement of my hand, she asks, “Are you coming to bed in here or are you going back to your room?”

Leaning against the doorjamb, I don’t stop. “If I sleep in here, I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep my hands to myself.”

Savannah drags her teeth over her bottom lip and her eyes get heavy as she watches me. “Noah?”

“Yeah, angel?”

“Get in the bed.”

The command in her tone has me pushing away from the jamb.Who am I to deny her?

I stalk toward the bed, my cock painfully hard. When I reach the edge of the mattress, I don’t climb in, instead I let her get her fill as her eyes roam all over my body. My heartbeat pounds in my ears as I silently beg for her to touch me.

“I just meant for us to sleep tonight,” Savannah mutters teasingly.

My voice is thick with desire when I reply, “Then why are you naked?”

Her eyes finally lift to mine and she blinks, momentarily confused, before she replies, “I always sleep naked. Why are you naked?”

Chuckling, because I’m not sure she fully comprehends the question she’s asked, I say, “We just got out of the shower. I’m hardly going to sleep in a towel.”

Switching off the lamp on the bedside table, I climb under the covers, settling them over us before I direct Savannah to turn onto her side with her back to me.

Giving into my body's most basic of desires isn’t going to happen right now. If I do, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to quit her. I curl around her as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.

Maybe it is.

Christ.I’m in too deep already.

Dropping a kiss into her hair, I tighten my hold on her. Closing my eyes, I settle into the bed, whispering, “Goodnight, angel.”

Savannah tries to wriggle out of my hold but my grip holds her still.

Confusion fills her voice as she demands, “What do you mean ‘goodnight, angel’?”

Playing dumb, I inject humor into my tone as I reply, “Well, let’s see, how can I break this down for you?” I can’t help the grin that nearly splits my face in half. “Goodnight is what people say when they are about to go to sleep. It’s a way of saying goodbye, I gue—”

Savannah swats at me, her hand making contact with my thigh under the cover.

Moving my lower body back, out of hitting distance, I exclaim, “Hey, what was that for?”

“Stop bein’ a smartass and tell me why you’re goin’ to sleep.”

She really needs to be more specific, but I’m loving being able to mess with her. “Because it’s night time?”

Her voice is stern, or at least trying to be when she says, “Noah.”

“Okay, okay. We’re going to sleep now, because I’m very aware—and not to sound conceited—of how big I am and I want to make sure you can still walk tomorrow.”

“Oh.” Savannah turns around, her features soft and relaxed before she continues, “Can I touch you?”

There’s no hesitation when I reply, “Of course.”

I should have asked her where she meant because the moment her hand wraps around my cock, I hiss at the contact. Throwing my head back, I try to control the urge to buck into her hand.

Her voice is almost shy as she asks, “Does that feel good?”

My gaze seeks out hers in the moonlight as I cup her face, “Fuck, angel, it’s so fucking good. Too fucking good.”
