Page 39 of Heritage of Blood

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“And what do you get out of it?” I challenge. “I’m no one, Luka, just a server trying to pay my rent and save for school. There is no way Antonio would have any reason to think you’d care about me.”

I watch his gaze avoid mine briefly before he steels himself and strides around the desk toward me. He grabs my chin and tilts it back, enough that my eyes meet his.

“Let’s say he hasareason. Make the right decision,malyshka.” His breath caresses the side of my face, and I can’t help but lean in. I focus on the tiny scar above his lip, and I have an overwhelming urge to put my mouth there.

He releases me and strides to the door, not stopping, his voice fading into the hall. “I’ll take your silence as a yes.”

Then he’s gone. I’m left standing alone, wondering why any part of me would consider this, but my pickle jar flashes in my mind.

Luka filled my HELP FOR MOM jar to the brim.



Istep out of the shower and take a long, hard look at myself in the mirror. Why did it feel wrong to accept Luka’s deal even several days later? My mom needs help. Medicine is expensive, therapy is expensive, and my mom doesn’t have a job. If I have the ability to help her, my dad would want that.

I toss clothes over my shoulder as I dig through the dresser drawer. Having gathered only a duffel from my place several weeks ago, I need some additional items. I don’t know how to go about asking Luka for something along those lines, considering we barely discussed our arrangement here. I know I don’t have much left in my bank account, but without my phone, I can’t check.

I pull on some pajama shorts and a t-shirt, my eyes lingering on the mail discarded there.Maybe I have a bank statement in this pile.Grabbing the small stack, I flop down on my bed and sort through. I’m in luck when I see a statement from my bank. I rip it open and frown.

$800 is all that I have left in my checking account. Not even enough for my rent, which I’m now behind on. There is no way I’ll ever get another place for that price. I flip through some junk mail but pause when I see a letter from Lake Mead Hospital’s Emergency Department.


I hope they haven’t already started sending additional notices. When I called them after seeing the first bill, they said they would set me up on a payment plan. The $25 per month was the best they could offer me, taken directly from my account. I had provided all my information to set that up. Of course, $25 per month will mean it takes forever to pay that emergency bill.

I slide my finger under the envelope and lift out the letter. I blink. This must be a mistake.

Dear Ms. Castile,

This letter is to inform you that your bill for services rendered at Lake Mead Hospital on March 16th, has been paid in full. Thank you for your prompt payment. Any scheduled payments have been terminated. Please keep this letter for your own records.


The Lake Mead Hospital Financial Department

This is a mistake. I never paid this bill in full. I rip my bank statement out again to scour it for a withdrawal—none. My mouth clamps down on my lips as I try to figure out what could’ve happened. Did they contact my employer for payment? I’m not sure how they would have gotten access to their information. My thoughts drift to Luka, but I shut it down; there is no way he would’ve known about this bill. I stew over it for a while before resigning to the fact that I won’t figure it out sitting without the internet and a phone.

I need to talk to Luka about getting my phone. I nearly trip over the sheets as I scramble off the bed and bolt to the door, stopping before opening it. Blowing out a deep sigh, I pad down the hall.

I find him sitting at the kitchen island, nursing a drink. City lights illuminate the living room across from him as the sun dips below the horizon.

I pull out a stool next to him and sit. He doesn’t move or flinch; instead, he sets his glass down and pushes it over to me. I stare at it.

“Vodka,” Luka answers my implied question.

I grip the tumbler and bring it to my lips, tilting it ever so slightly. Enough to allow a small sip to slip into my mouth. The smooth liquor glides over my tongue, and a shiver runs down my spine. There’s a hint of discomfort as the alcohol burns down my throat, but it’s quickly followed by the warmth in my belly. I clear my throat and push the glass back to him.

“It’s good.”

Luka lets out a chuckle that is gritty and surprisingly authentic. A stark contrast to the polished, refined Luka. “It better be. Cost me over ten grand. Do you want a glass?”

To that, I snort, and his eyes dance, moving down my body. Flames heat my cheeks.

“No thanks,” I reply. He doesn’t say anything, and I chide myself. “I wanted to ask if I could have my phone back. You know, now that we have a deal?” I stare ahead at the clock on the stove.

“And do we, Kate, have a deal?” he answers. There is a glint in his eyes, brandishing some unknown weapon. When he stands, I have to lift my face up at him. He is leaning into my chair, and I’m not even sure he knows he has gravitated toward me.
