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A shiver ripples through me at the same time a relieved breath shudders out. Mason, Maverick, and Hudson all look equally nauseous but reassured.

“However, she is still unresponsive. I’ll send her blood work out to see exactly what was given to her. But there are no traces of the passion pack drug in the mouth swab I took. So it wasn’t ingested. It was likely an injection this time. I’ve not seen any side effects of it to this extent. It could be that she was given too much. I won’t know until the tests come back. For now, I’ll give her some medication to help counteract any amphetamines in her system. They won’t reverse her condition, but they’ll stop it from spreading or continuing to wreak havoc. A nurse will be here every morning to give her an IV drip for fluids and start a TPN bag to make sure she gets nutrients.”

“If it wasn’t ingested, then Tatem didn’t put anything in her food,” I frown. “How did they get her out of the restaurant then? She looked drugged in the video.” The question isn’t meant for anyone. It’s more for me to piece together the puzzle, to make sense of what happened.

“I’m not sure. Regardless, she’s awake. But despite her pupils responding to stimuli,sheis unresponsive. Truthfully, I’m not sure what the full extent is yet, but I’d recommend taking things slow around her until we do. One person with her at a time so she isn’t overwhelmed with your scents. Other than that, try to keep things as normal as you can. Talk to her when you’re with her. I’ll call you as soon as I know more.”

She glances around, waiting to see if we have any questions. But we’re all too stunned to talk. So she walks out.

Without a word, Hudson goes into the nest and shuts the door behind him.

“I guess he’s taking the first shift,” Mason mutters offhandedly, his eyes unfocused and staring off into space.

What the hell happened out there?

When the rest of us walk downstairs, Maverick’s phone rings. He frowns at the screen but picks it up. “James? What’s wrong?”

I’m too far away to hear exactly what’s being said, but as I walk closer, I think I hear James say Tatem’s name on the other end.

“Okay. Yeah. Wait, please. Thanks for calling.” Then he hangs up and looks at me. “They arrested Tatem. After what Amanda said about Tatem possibly being involved, some agents went to RJs to question the kitchen staff again. They asked about Tatem specifically this time. One of the workers said she went to the bathroom for a second before coming back and throwing a needle into the trash bin in the kitchen. They found the needle, and they’re dusting it for her fingerprints. She’ll likely be charged when they come back, but they’re about to interrogate her. James said he had them wait to see if you wanted to be there for it.”

“Me? Why?” I ask, shocked.

“You’re pack alpha. She’s your ex. You could be useful if they need to use you to get a confession from her.”

My body locks up in surprise. Determination courses through me.

Oh, she’ll confess. If I have to flirt or beat it out of her. She’ll sign that confession before the night is up.

* * *

Turns out I didn’t need to do either. By the time I got to the station, they had already confronted her with the dirty syringe. The damning piece of evidence, and she folded like a lawn chair when they offered her a plea deal. Five years with a chance at parole in half that time if she testifies against Pack Monroe on the stand.

I saw the defiance in her eyes, the indignation, until they said if she didn’t, they’d charge her with kidnapping, assault and battery, bodily harm using a chemical agent, and anything else they could think of. That she’d be lucky to get out in twenty years when they were done with her.

I almost begged them to let her rot for the whole twenty, but I know she’s not the white whale. Pack Monroe, with all their connections and money, are going to be harder to put behind bars. They need all the evidence and testimony against them that they can gather.

So, on the other side of the one-way glass at one of the interrogation rooms, I watch my ex confess to her involvement in hurting my mate. My blood boils with each word she utters.

“They came into my restaurant one day and told me who they were. The woman–Jade–said that their omega ran away from them. Was shacked up with another pack, and they just wanted her back. They showed me the mate marks they all had. Said that Summer was their mate. They knew I was Brooklyn’s girlfriend–”

“Ex,” I mutter under my breath. My arms are crossed as I stand there glaring at Tatem who can’t see me.

“– and they thought I’d be able to talk to her. To convince her that Summer was just using her. They said they’d do anything to get her back. To get Brooklyn back for me.”

A dazed expression crosses her face, and I recoil.

How did I never see how fucking crazy she is?

I feel so blind. Foolish.

“Tell me about what happened yesterday,” the agent across from her demands.

Yesterday, because it’s currently three in the morning. A new day. Yet I’m wide awake. Fury boils the exhaustion from my system.

Tatem’s eyes refocus, and she scowls. “I sawhercome in with a big alpha. To my restaurant. Probably another man she was trying to seduce. So I called Jade to tell her Summer was there. She told me to keep an eye on her, and they’d be there shortly. They came around the back entrance and asked me to help them. They handed me the syringe. Said it was a mild sedative and that they’d be waiting in the back alley.” She shrugs. “I saw her go to the bathroom and followed her.”

I don’t stick around to hear anything else. She confessed. That’s enough for me.
