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The guys didn’t bother waiting in line, and when the bouncers at the door saw us, they waved us through without pause.

It occurred to me that Bash and Zander had probably been there before. Rafael had been in prison, but as far as I knew, Zander and Bash were living in Scale Ridge the whole time. Living there meant eating there, and Raf had told me they preferred to feed in public places like nightclubs, to make that part of their lives easier.

Rafael’s hand tightened on my hip as we strode into my idea of a nightmare. There were hundreds of people on the dance floor in front of us, packed in elbow-to-elbow. Energy seemed to radiate from them, or maybe just from the deafeningly-loud music.

Crimson smoke billowed off them en masse, and my eyes widened at the sight of it.


So much lust.

No wonder the guys came to nightclubs to feed.

Off to our left, there was a bar with half a dozen bartenders working. Almost every stool around it was full.

To our right, there were two rows of tables. The lights around them were dim, and my eyes went wider when I saw the lust rising from that part of the club.

Hot damn.

Raf tucked something in my ear, and I jerked toward him. He tapped his own ear, and the soft silk of his voice murmured directly into mine,

“So we can hear each other.”

“Bash and I are heading out. You’ll have company soon, I’m sure. Watch your backs.” Zander’s voice followed Rafael’s.

Since all of the guys were connected over our comms, I went up on my tiptoes and called to Raf, “What do we do?”

The music was so loud, I nearly had to yell.

He gave me a half-smile, then pulled me toward the dancing crowd.

I nearly shuddered at the idea of being sucked into the crowd and trapped between all those moving bodies.

He noticed my reaction and changed gears, turning and leading me toward the booths.

Where the lust was even thicker.

I was worried it would affect me somehow, but at least it wasn’t the crowd of dancers.

And anyway, we were there to get Miles back. I would deal with whatever I had to.

I tried not to look at the people inside as we passed them, but it was difficult. The booths were cube-shaped, so they were blocked off almost entirely from the rest of the club, but the openings faced us. My face reddened when I saw a few ass cheeks in one, and in the process of turning my head, I saw some random lady’s bare boobs, and realized a guy had his fangs buried in her neck.


I stepped closer to Rafael.

He held me to his side before he stopped in front of a booth that had been roped off by whoever owned the nightclub. Eric Reiner, most likely.

Raf moved the divider, then tucked me into the booth before him. The music grew a little muffled thanks to the walls around us, and I relaxed into the cushions for a moment.

“Northern hallway is clear. Eight vamps down,” Zander said into my ear.

Bash’s voice followed. “Southern clear too. Four down on my side.”

My eyes widened.

“Unconscious,” Raf said. “We only kill when we’re positive they deserve it.”
