Page 27 of Silent Girl

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The youth league coach blows his whistle. “Huddle around,” he calls out, and the kids slowly make their way over to where we’re standing. Thankfully, my role here is purely to serve as inspiration.Practice your skills and you could be me.Not sure why anyone would want their kids to turn out like me, though. I’m fucked up. “What do you say to Mr. King for spending the day with us?” the coach asks.

“Thank you, Mr. King,” they all call out in chorus.

“You’re welcome.” I nod, unsure of what else to say. I showed them some plays, and they watched in awe as I skated up and down the ice before hitting the puck into the net.

“Okay, off you go. And remember: practice, practice, practice,” the coach reminds them.

The kids all skate off towards the exit, all except one little girl who stays behind. She comes up to me and cranes her neck. “Mr. King, do you think girls can make it to the NHL too?” she asks me.

I blink down at the kid before crouching to meet her at eye level, so she doesn’t have to crane her neck so much. “I think girls can do anything they want to do, sweetheart. And between you and me, you’re the best player on this team.” I wink at her, and a big, huge, gap-toothed smile covers her face.

“I know. I’ve tried to tell them that, but all the boys say I’m a girl and I shouldn’t play hockey.”

“Well, boys are dumb,” I assure her. It’s not a lie. We’re all really fucking dumb most of the time, especially when it comes to girls.

“They are… and gross too.” She laughs. “Thank you, Mr. King,” she calls out before skating off towards a woman who is waiting for her on the sidelines. It must be the kid’s mom—she also happens to be the only woman who hasn’t been giving me thatcome hitherlook all session.

I follow the kid off the ice, reaching down to grab the puck we’ve been using. “Aliyah, you got a marker?” I ask her. Aliyah reaches into her bag and pulls out a gold Sharpie. I swear this woman is always prepared for everything. I take the marker, sign the puck, and walk up to where that little girl is standing with her mother. “What’s your name?”

“Graycee.” The kid smiles.

“Well, Graycee, this is for you.” I hand her the puck and look up to her mom. “She’s really good on those skates,” I tell the woman.

“I know. We spend most of our free time here. She doesn’t want to do anything else but skate and play hockey,” her mom says.

“It was nice meeting you, Graycee. And don’t forget: boys suck and girls can do anything they want,” I say, then nod at her mom before walking back to where Aliyah is sitting with a confused look on her face. “What’s wrong?” I ask her.

“Nothing. I just think I know that woman, but I can’t for the life of me remember why or from where.” Aliyah shrugs. “That was really nice… what you did.”

“Kid said the boys told her she shouldn’t be playing hockey. It pissed me off. If I had a daughter, I wouldn’t want some fucker telling her she couldn’t do something just because she’s a girl,” I say.

“My whole life I’ve been told I don’t need to know things. My brothers and my dad treat me like I’m this fragile little thing. A prized possession they have to protect at all costs.”

“Well, that’s not a bad thing either, you know. That you have a family who loves you enough to protect you. And considering who that family is, they’re probably right. You shouldn’t get yourself involved in their shit. You’re better than that,” I tell her.

“You don’t know that.”

“I do. And if you ever want anyone to treat you like you won’t break, I’ll do it.” I lean into her. “I’d fuck you so hard and rough you’d be feeling me between your legs for weeks afterwards,” I whisper.

Aliyah’s eyes widen; her mouth hangs open. “I can’t believe you just said that to me. Did that gun pointed at your head this morning not teach you anything?”

“It taught me that your brother is a psychopath.” I shrug. “Somehow, I think fucking you would be worth facing off with him again.”

“Okay, you really need to stop. The only reason you think you want me is because I’m probably the first girl to say no to you. Get over it. I’m not sleeping with you, Liam.” Aliyah picks up her bag. “Come on, I’m dropping you off at your place and I really hope you actually stay home tonight,” she says.

I follow her out to her car, my eyes glued to the sway of her ass. An ass I want to fill my hands with, preferably with her legs wrapped around my waist as I fuck her up against a wall. Though part of me has to wonder if she’s right. Do I only want to fuck her because she’s not jumping in my bed? I don’t think so. But I can’t say the chase isn’t thrilling. I haven’t even looked at another chick these past couple of days. Even the ones my brother brought around. Nope, my cock didn’t so much as stir at the sight of them. One look at Aliyah, though, and I’m rock-hard. I don’t think it’s because she’s denying this attraction between us. I think it’s because she has to be hands-down the hottest chick I’ve ever met.

“I didn’t say anything about sleeping. There wouldn’t be any sleeping, Aliyah. I don’t know who you’ve been having sex with, but apparently you’ve been doing it all wrong,” I tell her, shutting the door to her car.

She rolls her eyes at me, something I find she does a lot when we’re together. “Liam King, I’m not fucking you. Get over it.”

“I didn’t notice any guy stuff in your apartment. This Casper dude doesn’t exist, does he?” I ask her.

“He exists. Though I didn’t say anything about Casper being a dude. I just said he was my roommate. My white, furry, male roommate, who happens to meow a lot.”

“Casper’s a cat? I’m competing witha catto get into your bed?” I laugh.

“There’s no competition. You’re not getting into my bed.”
