Page 28 of Silent Girl

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“Fine, we’ll use mine,” I suggest.

Aliyah shakes her head and starts the car. She doesn’t continue the conversation. I think I’m wearing her down though. I hope I am. Or maybe I just need to go out and get laid, erase her from my mind. When she stops in front of my building, she gives me a stern look. “Please don’t make me hunt you down again. I have plans tonight. Plans I don’t want interrupted.”

“What are you doing?” I ask. Does she have a date? Because if that’s the case, I’m definitely interrupting those plans.

“Girls’ night.” She smiles.

“With your friends? You know I can hang at girls’ night.”

“You’re not a girl,” she says.

“That’s sexist and not very inclusive of you, Miss Monroe.”

“Sue me. Get out of my car first, though.” She grins.

“Have fun, but not too much. I’ll be right here if you change your mind and decide to have the real kind of fun. With me. In my bed,” I tell her before jumping out of the car. She drives off so fast that it’s not until I get up to my apartment that I realize I left my bag on her back seat. I send her a message.


My skates are in the back of your car. You can drop them off later, when you finally decide to take me up on my offer.

I can see thereadmessage, but she doesn’t respond. I tuck my phone into my pocket and head up to my apartment. “What are you smiling about?” Matty asks as soon as I step through the door.

“Nothing. Why are you still here?” I ask him.

“I’ve been waiting for you. We need to talk. About mom,” he says.

“No, we don’t.” I walk to the fridge and pull out a beer.

“Yes, we do. Why aren’t you talking to her? What’d she do?” he presses. “She won’t stop blowing up my phone asking about you.”

“It’s nothing, Matty. Drop it.”

“It’s something, or you’d answer her calls,” he counters.

“She knows damn well what she did, and the fact she’s involving you is shitty. Ignore her. It’s not that hard,” I tell him.

“Does it have anything to do with the reason you beat the shit out of your coach?” he says, and my back stiffens. “It does. I fucking knew it,” he spits out.

“You know nothing.”

“She fucked him, didn’t she?” he says. “It’s not hard to work out. She’s our mother. She can’t stop herself from being a damn train wreck.” He shakes his head. “Shit, does Glen know?”

Glen, my mother’s nice, caring, blue-collared husband. “I have no idea. It’s not my job to tell him his wife is a cheating…” I leave off the rest. As pissed as I am, I can’t call her the word that was in my head. Sheisstill my mom.

“I can’t believe she’d do this to you,” Matty says. “I’m sorry, Liam. I didn’t know.”

“I didn’t want you to know. This is between me and her. It has nothing to do with you.”

“Bullshit. We’re a team. It’s always you and me. I will always have your back, bro.”

As messed up as my little brother can be, there is no one else on this earth I trust more than him. He’s the one person I know without a doubt would never betray me. “When are you heading back to school? You’re cramping my style,” I say, changing the subject.

“Why? So you can hit up your babysitter? You know that’s a stupid idea, right? She’s the daughter of your boss, Liam. Red flag! Huge fucking red flag.” He waves his hands around to emphasize his point.

“Red happens to be my new favorite color.” I smirk, bringing the beer bottle to my lips.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out, hoping it’s a message from Aliyah. It’s not. It’s from a different Monroe.
