Page 33 of Silent Girl

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“She’s not going to another club,” I answer for her.

“Oh, yeah? And who’s going to stop her? You?” the friend challenges me.

“Yep,” I say, then turn to Gray. “I’m taking her home. She’s too drunk to make responsible decisions right now.”

Grayson has been drinking just as much as his sister has. The whole team has been. I’m the only one who’s been sipping on water all night. “Thanks, man, 'preciate it,” he says, and then steps up to Aliyah and whispers something in her ear.

A mischievous smirk curls her lips as she looks at me. “I don’t know, Gray. He’s really hot, and his cockisimpressive. If what they say in the tabloids is true, I bet he really knows how to use it too.”

“Lia, if you make me kill him, I’ll make sure Dad takes the contract fee out of your trust,” Gray is quick to reply.

“Nine mil? I think I can afford it.” She laughs.

“No, you can’t,” I tell her. “Come on, let’s go.” I take hold of her arm, then look back at the guys. “I’ll catch up with you in the morning.” As I escort Aliyah outside of the club, her friends tag along behind us. Please tell me they have their own way home? I am not dealing with five drunk females right now. One is more than enough.

“Liam, you’re bossy, you know that? And full of yourself,” Aliyah says, as we push through the front doors.

“Thanks, princess. And here I was, thinking the falling part had started already.” I laugh before spinning towards her friends. “Have you got a way home?”

“Yep. Take real good care of her. She could use it,” one of the girls says, winking at me.

My brows furrow. I’m not sure about these friends of hers, who seem more than willing to let a strange man take Aliyah home while she’s so wasted. They say their goodbyes, whispering something into her ear, before they all climb into the back of a big black SUV.

Great. I guess Aliyah doesn’t have her car here. I fish my phone out of my pocket and order us an Uber. It’s only two minutes away, thank god. As soon as our driver pulls up to the curb, I help Aliyah into the back and squeeze in beside her. I don’t know her address off the top of my head, so I have to plug in mine. She can use the spare bed again.

“Why are we going to your place?” she asks, glancing out the window.

“Because you need to sleep it off,” I tell her.

“No, I was having fun, Liam. Do you even know what that is?Fun?”

“I do.” I nod.

“Well, then why can’t anyone just let me have fun? I hate my brothers. They always cock-block me.” She pouts.

“Apparently not always,” I mumble under my breath. According to her declaration in the club, she’s not as innocent and virginal as her family would like to believe. The car pulls up in front of my building, and I practically have to lift Aliyah up to help her get out. “Are you going to be able to walk?” I ask her.

“Yes,” she says and stalks off towards the main entrance. She’s still swaying a little but it’s not nearly as bad as before.

When we get up to my apartment, I grab a bottle of water and hand it to her. “Drink this. You can use the guest room.”

“Why am I here, Liam?” she asks me.

“Because I don’t remember your address, and I wasn’t going to leave you drunk in a nightclub.”


“Friends don’t leave friends to make poor decisions,” I say.

“We are not friends,” she declares to an audience of two.

“Well, ouch, babe. If we’re not friends, then what are we?”

“We are... I don’t know what we are. But friends don’t look at me the way you do,” she tells me.

“And how do I look at you?”

“Like you want to devour me whole.”
