Page 32 of Silent Girl

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“Oh, I plan to. Don’t worry,” she growls.

I hold out an arm, gesturing for her to go first. “After you, princess.”

Aliyah barges past me. My hand lands on the small of her back as I follow her. I don’t know why I keep touching her like this. It’s almost like it’s instinctual.

“I should have let Vinny shoot you.” Aliyah turns her head just enough to yell at me over her shoulder.

I step up closer to her and lower my mouth to her ear. “Probably, but then you’d never know.”

“Know what?” Her brows furrow. Then she stumbles on the step and bumps into me.

“How good my cock feels filling your sweet little cunt.” I smirk.

“Argh, get off me.” She shoves at my chest and stumbles again. I grab her by the elbows to keep her from falling.

“How much have you had to drink?” I ask her.

“How ever much I wanted to,” she throws back.

Oh, she’s even nastier when she’s drunk.Which doesn’t make her any less hot, mind you. In fact, I think I’m into it. I could definitely think of a way to correct that mouth of hers. Fuck, now my cock is harder than ever.

I follow Aliyah as she makes her way over to her brother. I do remove my hand from her back but remain within arm’s reach in case I need to catch her again.

“Gray, seriously, what the hell? Now you’re sending your goons to cock-block me?” she hisses.

“I didn’t send him, Aliyah. He did that all on his own.” Gray grins while holding out a fist to me.

I lift my hand and bump knuckles, ignoring the icy glare I get from Aliyah. “Anytime, bro,” I say.

“You can’t stop me from having sex, Gray.”

“Wanna bet?” He lifts a challenging brow in her direction.

“Yeah, actually, I do. Please, for the love of God, don’t tell me you still think I’m a virgin?” Aliyah huffs out.

“You are,” Gray says, so sure of himself.

I can’t help but laugh and thank fuck I have a brother and not a sister. Because as much as I feel for Gray right now, he’s wrong. There’s no way that girl is a virgin. She’s too fucking hot to not have been snatched up already. Although the thought of her being with other men doesn’t bode well with me either. Fuck, can’t she just be a virgin? I’d gladly help her lose that V-card.

“No. I’m not,” Aliyah says.

Gray covers his ears. “I’m not listening to this. Nope, I can’t hear you,” he says, shaking his head.

Aliyah’s friends, who all appeared to have followed us up here, are laughing. So is the rest of the team. I’m the only one who doesn’t find this conversation amusing. Aliyah and sex shouldn’t be in my head.

Who am I kidding? It’s the only thing I’ve been thinking about since I first saw her standing in my apartment that day.

Virgin or not, it doesn’t make any difference to me. Once I’ve fucked her, she won’t remember anyone who came before me anyway.

“I’m going. You’re being ridiculous,” Aliyah says, spinning around on her heel—I’m assuming to leave. She stumbles again and I reach out an arm to stop her from falling, also again.

“We really need to stop meeting like this, princess,” I tell her.

“I’m going to fill your apartment with spiders,” she fires back.

“You’re a mean drunk, you know that?” I tell her.

“She is,” one of her friends agrees with me. “Come on, Lia, let’s go. There are plenty of other clubs in this town filled to the brim with plenty of other available men, all just waiting to take us home.”
