Page 43 of Silent Girl

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What does that mean?

I can’t unpack the feelings I’m having for him. I thought that it was crazy chemistry mixed with strong sexual attraction, but when I envision him being hurt, I physically ache. That’s more than just wanting to bang the guy. Maybe if I do take him up on that offer to jump on his dick, it’ll help get this infatuation out of my system, and we can go on pretending it never happened. Just like we’ve been pretending those kisses never happened.

As I’m staring at his message, my phone lights up with his name flashing across the screen.Shit, why is he calling me?I look over at the time. It’s nine p.m. on a Friday after a game. Most of the guys will be out celebrating their win.

“Hello,” I answer the call.

“Aliyah, where are you?”

“Home. Why?” I ask. I can hear club music in the background.

“You’re supposed to prevent me from making stupid mistakes, right?”

“I am.”

“Then you need to come and help me out.”

“What are you doing? Where are you?”

“I’m at that bar ICE with the team. There are puck bunnies everywhere, and I meaneverywhere,” he stresses the last word.

“So, why is that my problem? You’re a big boy, Liam.Leave.”

“Because I’m fucking horny as all hell, Aliyah. I haven’t had sex since I stepped foot in this city, because a certain babysitter won’t succumb to my charms.”

I smile. If only he knew how hard it actually is for me to fight it. “You’re just not that charming, King,” I tell him.

“Fuck off. I’m more charming than the prince himself,” he says.

“If you say so.”

“I do say so. Look, babe, I need you to come here and be the type of fun police you’re so good at being. I can’t just leave. The guys won’t let me live it down, and Ireallydon’t want to fuck a puck bunny.”

“So, then, don’t. Tell themno. It’s your body, Liam. You’re in control of who touches you and who doesn’t. Did no one ever give you theit’s okay to say notalk?” I ask him.

“Cute… Please, Aliyah, I need your help here. I can say no, trust me. I might be horny but my cock isn’t hard for these women. I don’t want them. I want you but that’s a whole other problem. If I don’t show interest, the team is going to question me.Your brotheris going to question me. Which I don’t really give a fuck, but I’d prefer to die after I’ve been to heaven at least once, and not a moment sooner.”

“Heaven? How much have you had to drink?”

“Nothing. Not a drop. Heaven is where I’m going to be when you finally let me sink my cock into that sweet little cunt of yours.”

“Oh my god! Goodbye, Liam.”

“Don’t hang up. People have phones out and they’re taking pictures. Aliyah, if you don’t come and help me, I’m going to make sure I get caught in what looks like a very compromising position—the kind of position that will ruin all the hard work we’ve been doing to clean up my image,” he threatens.

“You wouldn’t,” I tell him.

“Wouldn’t I?”

“Damn it. I’m in bed already, Liam.”

“I’ll make it up to you. Thanks, princess, see you soon,” he says. “Oh, and, Aliyah, put some clothes on before you leave your apartment this time.” He disconnects the call, and I drop my phone next to me on the bed, contemplating if I should just leave him there to fend for himself.

Really, what did the guy do before he moved here and had me to constantly watch his ass?

He got himself into shit—that’s what he did. Damn it. If I don’t get up and go, and he does follow through on his threat, I’ll be letting my dad down. Not to mention, the lecture I’d get about doing my job.

I throw the blankets off and glance down. Casper looks up at me very unimpressed. “Sorry, buddy, I gotta go. Keep the bed warm for me. I won’t be long.”Hopefully.I sigh, scratching the top of his head as he snuggles back into the comforter.
