Page 44 of Silent Girl

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I get up and walk into my closet. Liam said to make sure I put clothes on. With a smile spread across my face, I dig through my closet until I find the perfect “puck bunny chic” outfit. I gather everything up, take it all into the bathroom, and run my fingers through my hair. I don’t bother to brush it, wanting thatjust rolled out of bedlook more than I ever have before.

Stripping out of my pjs, I slip into the short, blue, leather miniskirt. I then pull a little white crop top over my head, forgoing a bra. I look in the mirror to see the full effect. My breasts are popping out of the shirt, my stomach is on full display, and when I turn, I can just make out the curve of my ass at the hem of the skirt.

I walk back into my closet and find the pair of sparkly blue Jimmy Choos I picked up last year. I haven’t had a reason to wear these yet, but they’re a perfect finishing touch. I pull a black coat off the hanger and wrap it around myself before picking up my keys, phone, and purse and heading to the elevator.

It’s not until I pull up at the bar that I second-guess this little act of defiance. But I’m committed now. I’m all in. I don’t even know what I was thinking would happen by wearing this.

Will it piss him off?Hopefully.

Turn him on?Again, hopefully.

Not that I plan on acting on either of our desires, but if he’s going to drag me out of bed to come and get him, then I want to make sure he’s suffering too. A case of blue balls will do the trick. That’s if what he says about being desperate to fuck me is even true.

I’ve had boyfriends before, not any my family knew about of course, but none of them have ever spoken to me the way Liam does. So openly and crude. It’s getting to the point that I expect it from him. Truth be told, I’m surprised he hasn’t slipped up when other people have been around and said something sexual to me. He’s careful, though, only ever talks like that when we’re alone. I don’t hate it either if I’m being honest. I like how expressive he is when it comes to something he wants, although sometimes I can’t tell if he’s joking or not.

Why would someone like Liam King want me? He could have any woman he wants. I’m sure all he’d have to do is look at them and they’d drop their panties. But he seems dead set on bedding me. I keep telling him it’s the fact that I’m saying no. He just wants the unobtainable, that forbidden fruit he’s not supposed to touch. It’s the only thing that makes sense.

Before I enter the bar, I take off my coat and hand it to the security guy standing out front. His eyes bug out of his head. “Ms. Monroe.” He nods to me.

“Jim, I’m not going to be long, but can you please hold on to this for me, for just a sec? I know it’s not your job and all, but, well, please?” I ask him.

“Sure thing, Ms. Monroe.” He nods again and wraps my coat over his arm.

“It’s Aliyah, Jim. You know that.” I smile up at him.

Jim has worked at this bar for as long as I can remember. He’s always looked out for my brothers whenever they’ve gotten themselves into trouble here.

I push through the front doors. I don’t need to look hard to know where the team is. They always occupy the back of the bar. But it’s the noise and the crowd of people congregating in that particular area that let me know exactly where I’ll find the guys. I don’t go up to them straight away. Instead, I head over to the bar and order a soda and lime. As much as I’d love to have the vodka added into the mix, I’m driving, so I don’t. Once the glass is in my hand, I bring the straw to my lips and turn around. I make it two steps before I’m met with the shocked and confused gaze of Luke Jameson, one of the players on the team who also happens to be one of my brother’s best friends.

“Aliyah, what the fuck?” he asks, his eyes wide, and then he quickly glances over his shoulder. “Come on, man, I’m sore as fuck from that game and now you’re gonna make me have to fight more,” he whines when his gaze meets mine again.

“How am I going to make you fight more?” I ask, my eyebrows drawn down.

“Because when Gray sees you in here.” He points to the floor. “Looking like that.” He points to me. “He’s gonna go apeshit and start cutting the eyeballs out of every guy in the bar. Fuck, he’ll probably even come for mine,” he says.

“You’re being way overdramatic, Luke. I’m just here to pick up King. Where is he? And I swear to God, if he’s gotten into any kind of shit that will come back on me, I will hold you all responsible for bringing him out here.”

“He’s part of the team. He’s gotta celebrate,” Luke says. “Besides, the guy needs to loosen up a bit. He’s wound so tight over something that he won’t talk about.”

“He’s just settling in. Give him a chance to adjust. You all aren’t the easiest group to like.” I smile.

“Aw, Aliyah, here I was, thinking we were friends.”

“You’re on Team Gray, which means I tolerate you because you love my brother. But you and me? Not friends, Luke.” I laugh.

“Wait here. I’ll go get King and let him know you’re here,” Luke says and turns around.

Do I wait?Not a chance in hell.I follow behind him, up to the back of the bar where everyone is sitting. It doesn’t take long for the players to notice me. All of them go silent and look at my brother.

Well, all of them except Liam. “What the fuck are you wearing?” he asks loud enough for everyone to hear.

“You like it? It’s part of my newpuck bunny chicwardrobe.” I do a little twirl so he gets the whole effect.

Liam swallows. He opens his mouth, about to say something, but Gray beats him to it. “I’m going to slice all of your fucking eyeballs in half if you don’t stop gawking at my sister,” he growls. “Lia, where the fuck are your clothes? What are you doing?” He jumps up from the booth and walks over to me.

Liam, who also gets up, stands right next to Gray but in front of me, effectively blocking the view of everyone else at the table.

“I’m here to pick his sorry ass up. He can’t be out partying, Gray. You know that.”
