Page 5 of Silent Girl

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Liam lifts the stick and smashes it down on top of the eight-legged creature. Once he’s certain it’s dead, he drops the stick to the ground, walks over to the other sofa, and falls onto the seat.

“Are you okay?” I ask him.

“Not in the slightest,” he tells me.

I notice his hands are shaking. I could feel them trembling when he was holding me, but now, it looks like he’s really struggling. His chest rises and falls in rapid succession.

I jump off the counter and open the fridge. I made sure it was fully stocked for his arrival. I grab a bottle of water and take it over to him. “Drink this.”

He takes the water and gulps the whole bottle down in one go before peering up at me again. “You know, if you really want to make me feel better, you could come and join me in that shower I never got to finish.” He smirks.

I look down at his half-hard dick. “Mmm, tempting, but I think I’ll pass. I’m really not in the mood for catching herpes this week. Maybe next time.” I turn around, swipe the empty bottle from his hands, and throw it into the trash. Pivoting to face him with my hands resting on my hips, I add, “You’re expected to be on the ice at five a.m. My advice? If you don’t want to piss on what has to be your last Hail Mary, don’t be late.”

With that, I storm over to the foyer, heavier footed than I would usually walk while loving the sound of my heels clicking on the marble floor. Then I pick up my purse from the entrance table, stab at the elevator button, and wait.

Argh, I hate apartments with elevator entrances. They really ruin the wholestorm out of the housething I was trying to do. As I wait for the doors to open, the hairs on the back of my neck rise on end, and I know he’s staring right at me. No matter how much I want to turn around and get another glimpse of him, I don’t. When the doors finally decide to put me out of my misery, I step onto the platform, spin on my heel, and press the G button for the garage.

I smile at him as he stares back at me with a look of shock on his face. Guess he’s not used to women with self-control. “This is what self-respect looks like,” I tell him right as the doors close.

It’s not until I’m in my car, pulling out of his building, that my shoulders finally sink. I sigh and silently curse my father for putting me in this position. Never in my life have I wanted to sayfuck itand do something completely reckless.

That something being Liam King.

I really hope the guy learns to put clothes on. If not, it’s going to be a long season and, honestly, I’m not sure my vibrator is up for the task.

It’s only midmorning, but I need something to calm my rattled nerves. I hit the button on my car. “Call Charlie,” I say into the speakers.

Charlie is my best friend, has been since kindergarten. She’s really more like a sister to me than anything else. Like me, Charlie comes from a family who makes their money on the other side of that right-and-wrong line. Her father is in business with mine, and thankfully neither has given the other a reason toterminatethat partnership—otherwise, it would really put a damper on our friendship.

“Hey, babes, how’s it going?” Charlie answers the call.

“It’s an emergency brunch kind of day. Get the girls and meet me at the Four Seasons?”

“On it,” she replies, then asks, “Wait… What’s the emergency?”

“The job my father gave me yesterday, it’s going to suck a lot more than I originally thought,” I groan.

“Back the truck up. You mean to tell me you met the Liam Fucking-Sex-On-Legs King already?” Her voice raises in both volume and pitch.

I wince. “I’ll tell you all about it when I see you.” I press the button, disconnecting the call. I’m so not getting into the details of just how much of him I saw. Not over the phone. I need a bucketload of mimosas and some pastries first.

* * *

An hour and three mimosas later, my closest friends are looking at me with their mouths gaping.

I met Amanda in fifth grade when her family moved here from England. She’s from old money, the royal kind—we like to call herprincess. In reality, she’s only a duchess. Although she refuses to use the title and insists on paving her own way in the world. Which she’s doing a mighty fine job at. Amanda started an online retail store, where people sell high-end secondhand goods. She basically gets her money from others selling their shit, and she makes a lot of it.

Nicole, I met through Charlie, who says she found her lost at a frat party. What really went down was that Nicole was drugged and being taken advantage of by some college douchebag. Charlie stumbled into the room and clocked the bastard over the head with a lamp. She then called her brothers and, well, we don’t actually know what happened to the guy after that because no one’s ever heard from him again.

Phoebe, we met recently at a charity event. She’s an oil heiress and is in training to take over her family’s business. We immediately hit it off when she looked at my brother Jonah with nothing but disgust and outrage on her face. Any chick who doesn’t instantly drop her panties for my brothers is golden in my book.

Me? I’m the youngest of four children. I have three over-the-top protective brothers, who I love to hate on a daily basis. First, there’s Grayson, the Vancouver Knights’ enforcer. Then there’s Jonah. He’s currently in grad school, studying business. Followed by Vinny. He’s… well, he’s learning the ropes from my father. Vinny was always landing himself knee-deep in academic shit at school, so Dad ended up making him drop out of college and start working for him. Which I know is probably not the smartest thing for everyone, but for Vinny, it’s been the best decision. He doesn’t stay out partying all night while finding more trouble than one person ever should anymore. Probably because most of the “work” he does is conducted at night.

“Wait, you mean to say you’ve seen Liam King’s dick? Like in real life?” Nicole asks a little too loudly.

“Shhh, why not put out a press release? Jesus, Nic. I don’t think the old couple over in the far corner heard you.” I scowl at her.

“Sorry, but really. How was it?” She leans in with an overeager grin.
