Page 52 of Silent Girl

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I’m going to fuck her in every pair of heels she owns.

I can’t hear shit, and I feel like I’ve been sitting in here for ages when the door finally opens. Except it’s not Aliyah who greets me on the other side. It’s her friend Phoebe. “Aliyah went to breakfast with her brother. You need to leave before they come back,” she says with an icy clip to her voice.

“She left?” I ask.

“Yep, so hurry up.”

“Okay.” I walk back into the bedroom and pick up my phone and keys from the bedside table where I left them last night.

“Oh, and, Liam,” Phoebe says as I’m turning to head out the door. I pivot back to face her. “Aliyah isn’t the kind of girl you fuck around with. She’s the kind of girl you keep. If you hurt her, it won’t be her brothers you’ll have to worry about. It’ll be me. And I have no qualms about burying your body in one of my family’s oil wells.”

“You’re right. She is the kind of girl you keep, and I plan to do just that,” I say as I step into the elevator. Then I pull out my phone and send Aliyah a message.


Call me when you’re free.


You need to get your ass to the rink before you’re late.

Fuck, she’s right. I jog over to my car, jump behind the wheel, and break just about every road rule on my way to the stadium. I make it into the locker room as everyone else is changing.

“What happened to you?” Gray asks.

“You don’t want to know,” I tell him, and a little guilt that I spent the night with his sister seeps in. I shut that shit down quick, though. I don’t owe the man anything. I saw Aliyah first, met her first, liked her first. Bro code doesn’t apply in this case. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

Again, I thank all that is holy that I don’t have sisters to worry about—my mother’s already more than I can handle.


I’m sitting at breakfast with my brother Jonah. But I can’t stop thinking about Liam, about all the things that were done and said last night.

I pick up my coffee and eye my brother over the rim of my cup. “So, are you going to tell me why you’re not at school?”

“Can’t I just want to visit my little sister?” he says, then quickly tries to change the subject. “How’s the job going?”

“Nope, nice try but not gonna happen. Jonah, why are you here?” I press him.

“A friend needed my help, so I came to help them. Thought I’d stop in to see you as well.” He looks at me, his eyes scrutinizing my every feature. “You look different. Good. Are you good?”

Out of all my brothers, Jonah is the one who worries about me the most. Don’t get me wrong, they all worry. They all try to wrap me in cotton wool. But Jonah, he sees beneath my masks. He sees the torment that goes through my head.

“The nightmare’s back,” I tell him.

Jonah’s room was right next to mine when we were growing up. He heard every single one of my nightmares. Then again, I think the whole house did because I’d wake up to all of my brothers, my dad, and some of my dad’s soldiers standing in my bedroom. Sometimes, when I was too exhausted from battling with my own mind, I’d sleep in Jonah’s room with him. He’d stay awake and talk to me about random things until I finally drifted off. I never had the nightmares when I was with him. Come to think of it, I didn’t have any last night when Liam held me either.

“When did they start?” Jonah asks me.

“A few weeks ago.”

“How often?”

“A few times a week.”

“The same one?” he continues his line of questioning.

“It’s always the same one,” I remind him.
