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“Don’t be,” he said with compassion. “Stay here.”

“W-wait! Where… where are you going?”

“I’ll be right back. I just need to clean up. Wait for me here.”

He left her shortly to go to the restroom. But when he returned, Carrie was nowhere to be found. Noah was worried, thinking she had wandered off and got lost. Pulling out his phone, he tried to call her.

Maybe she had to use the restroom,he thought, hanging up.

Tracking his friends, he maneuvered through a group of ravers until he got to the center of the dance floor. Someone grabbed his arm and got his attention. Noah was relieved to see a familiar face when he turned around.

“She’s having a seizure!” Miguel shouted in a frenzy. “I called an ambulance!”


“Someone must have slipped her something!”

“Wait, who are you talking about?”

“Carrie! Come on!”

Noah couldn’t move; he was stunned.

“We need to leave, man!” Miguel tried to shake some sense into him.

The two of them bolted out of the warehouse, where they soon found the girls. Carrie was on a stretcher, being led into an ambulance.

“We need to follow them.” Noah rushed to the parking lot.

But his corvette was gone. Cursing out loud, he told Miguel that Cammie had his keys.

“She probably left to go to the hospital. I’ll call us a cab.”

Feeling guilty, Noah prayed Carrie would be all right. He felt responsible for what happened to her. He blamed himself entirely.


At the hospital, they were promptly informed that Carrie was in the ICU and was getting her stomach pumped. She had MDMA in her system and had had an allergic reaction. Noah and Miguel sat in the waiting room for almost an hour before a doctor appeared and told them that Carrie was stable. Cammie eventually arrived, running down the hall in tears. It was three in the morning; everyone was exhausted.

“How did this happen?” she asked Miguel.

“Carrie was drinking a bottle of water when she found me. The next thing I knew, her eyes rolled back and she dropped to the floor, seizing.”

“I never bought her any alcohol,” Noah said.

“Someone must have sold her a roofied bottle or slipped her something when she wasn’t looking,” Miguel concluded.

“She was with me almost all night. I was looking out for her.”

Cammie turned her furious gaze to Noah and let him have it. “I can’t believe you hooked up with my sister! How could you?”

Noah froze up again, unaware that she had walked in on them.

“What kind of man are you? She was saving herself for marriage! Maybeyouwere the one who drugged her!”

“How can you say that? I’d never do that!”

“You slept with my baby sister!” Cammie exploded, shoving Noah’s chest while she cussed him out. “How could you do that to me?” Her mahogany eyes misted with tears. “How?” She pushed him harder like a woman scorned, crying uncontrollably.
