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“You really want to come?”

“I’m sharing you tonight, remember? I deserve at least half of your attention—seems only fair.”

“I wish we could go out in public as a couple.”

This dampened the mood a bit.

“That day will come, baby,” he said. “I promise.” Caressing my cheek, he kissed me softly before he pulled back and held my hands. “In the meantime, let’s establish a code—a secret lingo.”

“Okay… like what?”

“For instance, every time you hear me criticizing Evan’s work, it just means I’m secretly expressing my love for you.”

Oh boy.

“If I say, ‘Wow, Evan… did you take that photo with the lens cap on?’ I’m really saying: ‘You’re a goddess, Aria.’ And if I also comment with: ‘A gorilla would be more competent with a camera…’ I’ll really be saying—”

“Definitelynot.You’re not gonna use me as an excuse to hurl crude insults at your brother. This is his first exhibit. Be nice, be supportive, and if you refuse to be, then just quietly brood in a corner somewhere—you’re good at that and you’re still sexy. I won’t mind.” I grinned.

“Are you forgetting who wears the pants in this relationship?” Noah raised his eyebrows.

I looked down at my legs and met his eyes with a smile.

“Point proven.” He exhaled.

“I’m gonna find a vase for my rose, and then we need to leave your place.”

“Again, it’sourplace. I gave you a key, Aria. This is your home, too.”

Noah was my home. As long as I was with him, I was happy.



Cambridge, MA, April 2002

Noah’s cellphone was ringing nonstop in the morning. In a drugged-up haze, he reached for his device and accidentally knocked an ashtray off the nightstand. Without bothering to glance at the caller ID, he switched off his mobile, pulled a pillow over his head, and went back to sleep. Two young women were tangled in each other’s arms next to him; a bisexual couple he had picked up at a bar last night. His pattern of nocturnal activity had not stopped since he graduated last year. Constantly relapsing, he took a year off before enrolling in law school, though he hadn’t been too productive with his time. His constant partying and drug use was taking a toll on his health.

Once again, Noah was woken up by stimulating pleasure. His eyes snapped open as he looked down and saw a woman with pink hair devotedly giving him a morning blow job—something he was used to. She expertly swirled her pierced tongue around his base, amplifying his arousal.

“You have the most beautiful… I’ve ever sucked.” She giggled, pleasuring him.

“Wanna go for a ride?” He raised himself on his elbows and met her sea-green eyes.

“Mmmmm…yes.” She simpered, mounting him.

Noah reached into his drawer and tossed her a condom. “Wrap me up.” He folded his hands behind his head.

Abandoning his self-indulgent lifestyle was more challenging than he thought. He could not reform himself. Enslaved by sexual demons, almost nothing was forbidden inside his bedroom. Flesh was slapped and whipped, bodies were penetrated; and hair was pulled. Labored breaths and lustful moans always echoed from that room every night.

Having satisfied his sex drive, he finally collapsed on his back and felt like the dirtiest scumbag alive. Every time he had sex with random women, all he felt afterwards was intense self-loathing. The “wind down effect” after sex was especially unpleasant for him. He felt as if pieces of his soul were decaying day by day.

His flawless body glistened with sweat as he lay motionless. But his internal world was a mess. No amount of showering could cleanse his contaminated soul from the dark energies that had attached to him because of his promiscuous lifestyle. He needed spiritual purification. Feeling lost, Noah knew he had wasted the past four years on casual encounters and drugs. It was getting harder to maintain his double life. He desperately wanted to get back on track, but his cocaine addiction was derailing his progress. The path he was on was a destructive one. He was fated to crash and burn if he didn’t get help, and this scared him because he had a daughter to fight for and live for.


Around six in the evening, someone knocked while Noah was sitting in the living room. Not bothering to check who it was, he opened the locks.
