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“Well, well…” He sneered. “The gods must really hate me since they keep bringingyouto my door.”

“Thegodshave blessed you, which is why I keepshowing upat your door.” Cammie matched his sardonic smile.

“Right… a ‘blessing.’” Noah rolled his eyes and let her in. His sarcasm never seemed to bother her.

“It wouldn’t kill you to pretend to be happy to see me, you know.” Her heels clicked against the hardwood floor as she paced his living room.

“When did you get back from New York?” he asked.

“Yesterday.” She faced him. “I see you have your usual ‘just got laid look’ going on.”

Noah was dressed in a white undershirt and faded blue jeans that were a little loose around his waist. She secretly enjoyed his unkempt appearance.

“Take a shower. Let’s go out.”

“I don’t believe we have a date scheduled for today.” He folded his arms against his chest.

“Be spontaneous!” Cammie pulled out two tickets from her purse and waved them in the air. “Let’s go to the Madison Art Gallery. There’s this new artist in town—brilliant paintings, from what I’ve heard. Get ready and go with me.”

“I’ll pass.”

“Oh, come on, Noah! Try something new and fun for once! All we ever do is stay at your place, get high and smash.”

“I never force you.”

“Well, obviously. You’re incredible in bed… that’s why I always end up with my panties on the floor whenever I come over.” She giggled. “But seriously,pleasecome to this gallery with me tonight.” Cammie wrapped her arms around his neck.“I just feel like we’re closer now, especially after everything you told me last week. It meant a lot that you shared your past with me and told me about your daughter. You kept me in the dark for years, but now we’re so—”

“I don’t want to have this conversation right now.”

“Why are you getting upset?”

“I’ve told you time and time again that I can’t do the whole boyfriend thing.”

“Who said I was asking you out as my boyfriend? Friends go out. They have dinner; they talk; they enjoy their time together. Why can’t you just be a normal person like everyone else?”

“Because I’mnotlike everyone else.”

She paused and glared at him. “Most guys would kill to take me out.”

“I’m not most guys.”

“Thank you for pointing out the obvious.”

Noah looked more irritated than she was. He was about to say something when a woman walked past him down the stairs; they had slept together the night before.

Cammie whipped her head around and was stunned to see a raven-haired woman standing completely nude.

“Do you have any more coke on you?” she asked.

Cammie scowled at Noah. “Really? You’re still banging basic bitches?” Pain and betrayal poured from her eyes while he gave her a stony stare.

“Look, I told you not to show up unannounced like this.”

“Keep your whores.” She tore the tickets in his face. “Keep your drugs. I’m done.”

Noah couldn’t feel anything. He was numb. He had no capacity to care anymore. After Cammie left, his booty calls approached him.

“What the hell was her problem?”
