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“You better leave, love,” Evan whispered. “Before shit hits the fan.”

“No,” I protested. “I can face confrontation. What’s the worst he can do? Spank me?” (I wished he would).

Strengthening my weakened ego was harder than I’d thought. Marching to the entrance door, I unlocked it and opened it.

“Well, hello there, Noah.” I met his seething eyes with a sardonic smile. “How nice of you to drop in and spoil the fun.”

His stunned expression shifted into a grimace as he eyed me up and down.

“Why aren’t you dressed?” he said, looking furious.

“I got hot.”

“Are you high?”

I could have sworn he did a double take at my cleavage before he met my gaze with a perpetual frown.

“Don’t make me ask you again, Aria.”

“I’m not.”

“Don’t lie to me.” Noah stepped inside and sniffed that musky scent of marijuana. Turning around, he glowered at Evan and shouted, “You let her smoke weed with you?”

“He didn’t make me do anything.” I shut the door, facing him. “It wasmydecision.”

Noah ignored me and kept his murderous gaze on his brother, shouting expletives. There was nothing stopping him from pounding Evan’s face in. I had never intended for violence to break out.

Turning into a human shield, I parked myself between both brothers.

“Don’t you dare touch him!” I warned Noah.



“Move aside, Aria!” he shouted again. “Now!”

You sound so hot when you curse out loud,I thought, knowing it was wrong for my mind to go there.

“You don’t need to fight my battles for me, sweetheart,” Evan said, gently moving me to the side. But I wouldn’t budge.

“He’ll put you in the hospital like he did to my stepdad! I’m not moving!”

I stood up to Noah, unaffected by his rage. Everything in his body language suggested that he wanted retribution.

“What the hell were you doing with her? Why isn’t she dressed?” His interrogation had only begun.

I couldn’t tell if he was angry because I was partially indecent and high, or because I had scandalously disrobed myself around his “arch nemesis.”

“I was photographing her,” Evan replied. “I promised Aria I’d help her make a portfolio since she wants to pursue a modelling career.”

“So, you gave her drugs and let her prance around your place in her bra and underwear? Who do you think you are? Hugh Hefner?”

“Iwanted to smoke a joint,” I cut in. “You think you can control my life, but I don’t need your consent anymore!”

“Really?” Noah raised a doubtful eyebrow. “I could’ve sworn I was the one with the law degree”—he folded his arms in his chest—“And last time I checked, possession of marijuana isillegalunless it’s prescribed by a licensed physician.”

He sounded so patronizing.
