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“Perhaps I should remind you of all the lawsyouhave broken lately,” I countered.

He ignored my pathetic threat and continued to scold Evan like a child. “How could you be so irresponsible? Andyou”—his eyes darted in my direction—“you’re not some teenage runaway. You have a father in your life.” He raised his voice for dramatic effect and said: “A verypissed offfather who’s staring right at you!”

“I’m not deaf. I can hear you just fine.”

“You want to be a Cover Girl? Then trust inmeto make that happen.”

Noah lecture in three… two…

“The industry is so corrupt,” he added. “And you can easily become victimized by media hungry hyenas that only care about dollar signs when they look at you.”

Sigh.I had so called it.

“They don’t give a fuck about your best interest, but I do!”

His nonstop cursing had got out of control.

“… That’s why I’ve been taking my time to research a good agency,” Noah said. “I want to make sure you’re in good hands and will not be taken advantage of.”

“How can you expect me to trust you when you don’t even trust me?” I cried out. “You refuse to believe me about Vanessa!”

“Don’t drag her into this, please.”

Evan finally came to my defense. “Your daughter finds your whore of a wife in bed with your best mate, and you stick your head in the sand. What kind of man are you?”

“You told him?” Noah looked at me with betrayal in his eyes.


No point in denying.

“And he believes me.”

“You’re making a big mistake, my brother,” warned Evan.

“My personal life is none of your business. I warned you last time to stay away from my daughter.”

“Your ‘daughter’ wouldn’t have been here in the first place if you had listened to her. Instead, you chose to be a bloody idiot and hurt her. You must be proud of yourself.”

Noah looked ready to kill him.

“Aria, get out of the way!” He balled his fists.

“Stop this!” I said. “I’ll never forgive either of you if you get violent!” I stood in between them, holding their chests. This wasn’t a simple task since I was pushing back approximately two-hundred-something pounds of muscle on both ends.

Noah’s tone was hostile as he asked Evan if he had “touched me.”

“Answer me!” he demanded.

“He only took pictures,” I spoke up. “He wasn’t trying to get in my pants!”

“That’s funny,” Noah scoffed, “considering you don’t have any pants on!”

Okay, to be fair, he had a point. But I was telling the truth. If anything,Iwas the one who had tried to seduce Evan, not the other way around. Feeling guilty, he didn’t exactly stop me, either. We would have kissed if Noah hadn’t interrupted us. Even if we had gone as far as hooking up, it wouldn’t have beenwrong from a moral standpoint; we weren’t biologically related. However, Noah and I were… but I still wanted him, regardless.

“Notice how she keeps coming tomeevery time you have a parenting fail?” Evan said.

Please don’t provoke him,I quietly begged, holding Evan’s gaze, hoping he’d understand my desperate plea. The last person Noah had roughed up was Rob. My stepdad had almost been left in critical condition. I loved Noah’s gentle nature, but he also had a violent side that was aggressive, animalistic, and difficult to tame.
