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“Why won’t you believe me about Vanessa? I wasn’t lying about what I said!”

“You’ve lied to me before,” Noah sighed in frustration.

“Because I wanted to go to a club with my friends—but that has nothing to do with Vanessa and Amir!”


“I admit I dislike my stepmom, especially after discovering she’s been cheating on you. However, I—”

“And what about me?” he shouted. “You’re so quick to judge my wife, you’re forgetting about all my past transgressions.”

“Our situation is totally different.”

“If anyone’s guilty, it’s me.”

“Are you serious? You haven’t had sex with me!”

“I kissed you!”

“She’s probably been screwing Amir for God knows how long!”

We came to a slow halt as we approached another traffic light. Noah seemed calm but refused to look in my direction.

“Do you really believe I would lie to you just to get Vanessa out of the picture? How could you think so low of me? Why would I sabotage what we have through lies and deceit?” I angrily wiped my tears, resenting how fragile I felt around him.

“That’s already our reality, Aria—what we’ve become: liars.”

“Because of what happened?”

“You’re too possessive of me.”

“Oh, and you’re not? You didn’t answer my first question.”

Maybe his mind was racing, and he had tuned me out. I hated the idea of clinginess. “Clingy” was not in my personality. But Noah kept going.

“You want to claim ownership over somebody who is wrong for you in every way! Well, I’ve got news for you, sweetheart: you can’t have me! Sorry! Not in the ways you want! Never! Do you hear me? You can never have me that way, and I refuse to give in to your head games and screw us over by fucking the fuck out of you! Because that’s what you want, right?”

“No!” I sobbed.

“You want me to stop being your dad and start looking at you as some piece of ass?”

“No! Stop it!” I cried even harder. “How can you say that to me?”

He looked so enraged but focused on driving.

“You’re so cruel!”

“Maybe so.” He switched gears. “My only regret is having missed out on raising you. I could have spared us both from turning into psychotic people.”

My tears kept flowing as I tried to calm down. “It’s never been about sex for me, Noah. I’m in love with you… and it hurts. It makes me crazy.”

“You don’t know what you’re saying.”

“I do!”

“You’re a damaged young girl who needs help just as much as I do.”

“I know what I feel, and it won’t change! It never will!” I desperately needed him to believe that.
