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My cheeks reddened.

“Are you blushing?”

Hiding my embarrassment, I stared at the black buttons of his shirt.

“I really have missed you, Aria.”

“I missed you too, Evan.”

His fingertips brushed against my lower back, sending chills down my body.

“I have a bit of a confession to make.”

“Tell me.” I met his captivating eyes.

“For most of my life, I’ve always felt so left out. I hated not being biologically related to my family. I can’t tell you how many times I got into heated arguments because of this. But right now, being here with you… it’s made me realize how grateful I am to not share the same DNA.”

My heart was racing.

“You and I…” he broke off, whispering, “We have something.”

I wasn’t sure why my palms were sweaty.

“Don’t we, Aria?”

Evan stopped dancing and looked straight through me. He brought his face closer to mine, paralyzing me with an unseen power.

How is this happening?

Releasing my hand, he traced the pulsing vein in my neck with his thumb before he cupped my face. I closed my eyes, letting him coax my chin upwards.


He pulled me in and pressed his lips against mine, pouring passion into the kiss, which triggered a transformation within. Memories of Noah flickered in my mind: his eyes, his smile, the way he furrowed his brows whenever he was ticked off at me, the way he’d rub the back of his neck when he was nervous; his lips, his laughter, his body, the sexy things he’d said and done to me… Everything hit me at once.

A tear drop fell from the corner of my eye as I wrapped my arms around Evan’s neck. I was letting go… of Noah. This was my last goodbye to the man I was hopelessly in love with. There was no point in holding on to something that would never work; no point in loving someone who would never love me the same. I realized this way too late.

Eventually, I’d get married one day, have children, grow old, and look back on my youth. I’d remember a time when I was eighteen and in love. I would remember Noah and smile because at least I was lucky enough to experience that feeling. At least I’d been able to explore what it means to love someone unconditionally, even if that included breaking rules and defying the will of God.

“We shouldn’t be doing this here,” I said, pulling back.

“I can’t express how badly I’ve been dying to kiss you,” Evan admitted.

I was speechless.

“From the moment I set my eyes on you, I…”

“Evan, I think—” I stopped when I heard someone approaching.

“There you are!” said Jess. “Ryan’s been looking all over for you. He’s worried you’re upset at him.” She climbed the steps and waved at Evan with a smile.

“I’m not upset,” I answered. “I was just talking to my uncle.”

Talking… right.

“Oh.” She seemed confused. “Okay, well… I’ll just let him know you’re all right.”

“We’re done with our conversation. I’ll head back with you.”
