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There was so much unknown, and trust was still tentative. There was every chance that some of the alphas who initially agreed to attend would balk once planning commenced. The last thing they needed was another shock to their system by allowing omegas to be present.

Lyric and I decided we’d have a movie night and sleepover in the same room, so we’d be in the house and close, to appease Orion’s neurotic side, but nowhere near the action. I was unaware of all of this until just an hour or so ago, as I’d been busy being holed up in my room and miserable.

Gideon’s smile was bright. “I hope to see you then.” He then turned and politely nodded to the two other omegas at the table, thanked Arden, and left.

Both Harmony and Lyric were watching me strangely when I finally turned back to them.

My face was on fire. “What?” I asked defensively, shoving a forkful of salad in my mouth.

“Oh nothing,” Harmony replied with fake innocence. “It’s just not every day that an alpha asks one of us if we’ll be at an alpha-only event. That’s all.”

I glared at her, but it didn’t stop the innocent ribbing throughout the rest of our lunch. It was still better than Lyric’s thoughtful quietness. I had no idea what was going through his mind, but he had to get it out.

Now that I knew what it felt like to have a fated mate, I couldn’t imagine settling for anything else. Being alone and constantly missing my other half was still better than accepting someone that would never be enough.



I was dozingand not really paying attention to the movie that was playing when the door to the family room creaked open. I cracked open one eye to see who walked in but couldn't be bothered to sit up. I was doing better, well, relatively speaking anyway. But still, some days were worse than others, and today had been one of those.

Lyric had been bouncing up and down all day, and Orion and Arden were both on edge like I was. It was the day of the first meeting, aka poker night, but it was hard for me to drum up the same excitement that they all seemed to have. Nobody would give me any information on Emerson, but I overheard them speaking and from what I could tell, he wasn't doing well. I shouldn't care. I should maybe even be happy that he was miserable. But I wasn’t.

Honestly, it hurt, and not just because I didn’t like to know he was suffering. This washischoice. He was supposed to be happy with it. Was I so bad that he’d rather make us both suffer for the rest of our lives than just be with me?

Since I heard the news, I’d been in a bit of a funk. I probably would have been back in bed again if Lyric would leave me on my own for five minutes. That wasn’t fair to him, he was just worried and being an incredible friend, but sometimes, I just wished he’d let me be.

Orion stepped in and, much to my surprise, behind him was Gideon. What was he doing in here?

I knew he was here for the “poker night,” but I hadn’t seen him or tried to seek him out. I really didn’t want to hear his pity today, yet now he was in my space.

“Sorry to bother you two, but Jett, can I please talk to you in my office for a minute?”

That got me sitting up. What did he want to talk to me about, and what did it have to do with Gideon?

My eyes shot to Lyric, who just shrugged. He didn’t know anything more than I did. I wanted to ask questions, but I held my tongue. My brother was with another alpha, and even if he seemed kind and fairly liberal, I wouldn’t disrespect the man who had done everything to protect me the last few months by questioning him in front of one of his peers.

I stood up. “O-of course.”

I followed the two men, after Orion kissed his husband lovingly, as I wracked my brain, trying to figure out what was happening. I kept coming up blank. My mind was empty now and no matter how hard I tried, I could not come up with any reasonable scenario. I stayed quiet and let them lead me through the house.

The room that my brother was now using as an office used to be one of the spare bedrooms. I didn’t know this till later, but after Lyric was attacked by Atlas—our father—Orion had been unable to work in his old space. He claimed he kept seeing the events and it was killing him. I liked the new office though. It was very Orion.

After we both stepped in, he gestured to one of the soft, oversized leather chairs for me to sit. I eyed it warily. Not because I was scared, but Lyric had regaled me with the tales of what truly went on between the two of them in this office, and I really didn’t want to sit somewhere that had my brother’s release all over it earlier today.

I couldn’t think of a way to discreetly ask which chair was more likely to be cum free, though, so I sat gingerly and tried not to touch it. They would have washed them off, right?

Gideon had the luxury of not knowing what the furniture had been through and took the other one without hesitation.

Orion looked from Gideon to me, and I could tell he was a little unsure how to start. My heart started to pound in my chest. What was this about?

“Okay, I don’t really know how to say this, so I’m just going to just get right to it.”

I straightened, getting nervous.

“First off, this is your choice, Jett. I already told Alpha Frost that while I make the final decision, I will not do anything without your approval.”

Oh goddess, was this what I thought it was? “Okay . . .”
