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“I-I’m so sorry. You have been so kind to me, and you don’t deserve this, but I don’t think I can go through with the engagement.”

The ringing in my ears slowed down. Did I hear him correctly? Was he really turning Gideon away?

The alpha smiled softly at Jett, with way too much affection in his expression. I forced the rumble building in my chest to stop and gritted my teeth to keep from intercepting. I could tell how important this was for my omega. I wasn’t going to get all possessive, growly alpha and ruin it for him. At least, not yet.

“It’s okay, little one. We both knew what this was going into it, and I always knew you’d chose Emerson if you had the chance.” His tone was a little sad, but not heartbroken. I didn’t believe he had those kinds of feelings for my mate, maybe more of a sibling type of affection, which was good because I wasn’t sure I could control myself if he did. Just hearing the term of endearment was enough to set me on edge.

Jett wrapped his arms around himself. “I-I’m sorry.”

Gideon shot his eyes to me, daring me to say something, before reaching out to Jett and pushing a piece of stray hair out of his eyes. I couldn’t stop the rumble that time. I was proud I managed to not tackle the brazen fucker.

“There’s nothing to apologize for. I may not understand it, but he’s your fated mate. We both know I could never be what he can for you. I just hope we can still be friends.”

My inner alpha was not impressed with this idea, but the smile on Jett’s face stopped me in my tracks. The idea of him even speaking to an alpha that wasn’t family went against every bit of instinct I had, but if allowing him to be friends with the alpha was my penance for hurting him, then so be it. He would have never been in this position if I accepted him as my mate in the beginning.

“I’d like that.” My self-restraint was tested once again as Jett took a hesitant step forward and Gideon opened his arms for an embrace. There was nothing sexual about it. Even in my jealous haze, I could admit it, but it was hard. Alphas did not do well with their mates touching other alphas. It was physically painful. Despite me not claiming him yet, Jett was my fated, so every instinct seemed heightened. I managed not to commit murder, however, and eventually, Gideon stepped back.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” He straightened and made his way to the door.

“Thank you, Gideon,” Orion said, his voice giving no indication how he felt about these events. “I’ll reach out to you tomorrow to smooth out the changes. I also have a proposition I’d like to run by you.”

The alpha looked at Orion with interest before nodding sharply. “I look forward to hearing it.” One last soft look to Jett, another one that could cut steel to me, and Gideon finally left the room.

Jett turned to me. “I have conditions.”

I grinned. How could I have ever thought this spitfire omega was anything like Lennon? Society might have groomed them a certain way, but Jett was never going to let me get away with anything he didn’t want. He wasn’t going to go along with what I wanted because he was afraid or didn’t know he could speak up. It was obvious now as he stood in front of me, his arms crossed against his chest and his head tilted all the way up so he could look me in the eyes.

From behind him, Orion laughed, but I ignored it.

“What are your conditions, sweetheart?”

“I want to try and be with you, but I’m scared. A-as much as I want it, I’d like to wait to be claimed.” He glanced at Orion. “I mean, if that’s okay with you. You’d have to be my guardian for longer but—”

Orion stepped forward, pride evident in his eyes. “That is absolutely okay with me. Honestly, I was about to suggest it.” He glared at me, “You need to prove yourself, Winston. To both Jett and to me. You jerked him around too much.”

I was surprised how much it hurt to know I couldn’t claim my mate yet. I hadn’t thought too much about the physical act, too focused on getting Jett back, but now that it was being held right out of my grasp, I realized how much I wanted it. I wanted my teeth on Jett’s marking spot, my scent mixing in with his so everyone knew he was mine.

I took a deep breath, pushing my feelings aside. This was more than just about my hurt pride. “I understand. No claiming bites until you’re ready.”

Jett’s smile made everything right in the world. “I-I’d still like you to take me through my heat in a few weeks, if you’re willing. I understand if you don’t—”

I was in Jett’s space in less than a second, my hands cupping his face possessively. “Iwill be the one taking you through your heats. Only me. I don’t care if I have to wait years to officially make you mine. The mark is only a technicality. You’re mine and I’m the only one touching you, understand?”

A wave of arousal hit me as Jett shuddered under my touch. “I-I understand, alpha.”

Orion wrinkled his nose in disgust. “Okay, can we not dothatin front of me? I have one more condition, and then if Jett is willing, you two can go to his room and have some privacy. I know you have a lot to work out.”

“What’s your condition?” I asked, my tone neutral. I accepted my atonement.

“You will stay here. Jett’s still under my protection, and until I’m sure I can trust you not to leave him again, any relations you have will be under my roof.”

My jaw clenched as I tried to breathe through my annoyance. I was a grown man, almost old enough to be this upstart alpha’s father. How dare he tell me where I could live or be with my omega.

Soft hands reached up, touching my neck and the bottom of my chin. I looked down at my omega, all my anger and annoyance washing away. He was begging me silently with his eyes to agree with Orion’s condition, and I knew I had no choice. Rationally, I understood. It was just hard to fight what nature wanted sometimes. Now that I’d accepted Jett as mine, biology wanted me to be his protector, to take care of him. It wanted him under my roof, where I knew he was safe. It didn’t understand that I needed to earn trust again.

I relaxed and met Orion’s eyes. I was lucky he was allowing this at all. “As long as my cats can come as well, I accept.”

Orion stared at me, his thoughts clear.Hurt him again and I will kill you. I nodded in acknowledgement. He then turned toward Jett, the intensity immediately leaving him.
