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Unable to stop myself, I jumped off Emerson’s lap and launched myself at Orion. “Thank you!” I sobbed into his chest.

I was pretty sure he sniffled a bit, but he eventually got himself under control, holding me until I calmed down. “Alright, little one, you should probably let go before your mate has a heart attack.”

I glanced over at Emerson, who was white-knuckling the arm rest of the chair, his jaw clenched. I stared at him, confused, until I realized what was happening. Was he really having a control issue because I hugged my brother? Maybe that should bother me, but I only felt warmth. Just another thing that proved Emerson was serious about us now.

Lyric patted my shoulder as I separated from Orion. “It’s okay. Orion is the same way. He still snarls every time I hug his sister.”

To prove the point, he growled. “Well, at least she’s not related to you. I’m his brother and still his guardian, I’d like to point out.”

That didn’t make my mate happier, but he finally relaxed when I went over and kissed his jaw. Once I was sure he wouldn’t start a brawl and his instincts had calmed, I excused myself to run to my room to get my gift for Orion and Lyric.

I felt kind of guilty I had nothing for Emerson, but it wasn’t like I knew that would happen. Maybe we could do our own personal Christmas on New Year’s or something.

It appeared that Orion and I had a similar idea for presents, as I had a photo album made of my new family. There were pictures of the three of us, of Luna and the younger siblings, even of Orion’s mother, Nova. It was one of the rare pictures that she was smiling in, and everyone got teary-eyed looking at that one. The album also had Lyric’s family, and we all laughed at a candid where Harmony was very clearly watching Luna as she played the piano. Hmmm. They’d both be here for dinner later. I’d have to pay attention to that.

After presents were exchanged and we all cleaned up the room, Emerson excused himself to go back to his home to get changed and pack up some belongings, as he’d apparently be staying with us for a while.

I hated how nervous I was the entire time he was gone. I thought I was hiding it well but given that Lyric stayed with me the whole time, I probably wasn’t. It was one thing to commit while the full effect of the fated mates bond was in force, but with some separation, the connection eased since I wasn’t claimed yet. What if that was enough to have his fears reappear? What if he didn’t come back?

I thought both Lyric and I let out a huge breath when Emerson returned in his own car and with two suitcases behind him. He was back. He wasn’t leaving.

The rest of the night was overwhelming in all the best ways. Having all of our family there was wonderful, just a little loud. There were more gifts exchanged, more food than we knew what to do with, fantastic music, conversation, and laughter. For a little while, I could just forget about everything and relish in this amazing family that I managed to find.

Emerson stayed the night again. As he knotted me that night, we made plans to have our own Christmas, just the two of us, and I couldn’t wait. I had heard the phrase Christmas miracle before, but it never meant anything to me. But lying here, spooning with my mate while stuffed with his knot, my family just down the hall, I was starting to believe in them.




My personal phonerang as I finished up the last-minute details on the deal I was this close to finalizing. It would be huge for Strongfire Enterprises, as it would establish a business partnership with RED the largest and most influential company in District 9. Not only would it help expand Strongfire Enterprises into other districts with the eventual goal of expanding countrywide, but District 9 was notoriously liberal when it came to omega rights. There were multiple cases on record of omegas being allowed to own property and businesses when there was no eligible alpha left to inherit. It might not seem like much, but in a district as conservative as ours, it was downright scandalous.

I considered ignoring the call, as this was extremely important, but when it immediately started ringing again, I got concerned it was an emergency. The worry didn’t lesson when I saw it was Jett. My gut clenched as I answered. He rarely called me during work hours and when he did, it was usually for a good reason.

“Hi, sweetheart, is everything okay?”

“Alpha.” His voice sounded off, like he was out of breath. I straightened in my seat, ready for anything.

“Jett, what’s wrong?”

There was a long pause, long enough for me to start shutting down my programs on the computer and getting ready to leave. “I’m in heat.”

Gods, I almost had a heart attack. “I’ll be right there. Where are you? Are you safe? Can you wait for me?”

“I’m okay. I’m in my room. Lyric is with me, and the only alpha in the house is Arden. He’s staying out of the sleeping quarters.”

I relaxed enough to be able to finish closing everything out. Orion would have to get someone else to finish this deal. It wasn’t ideal, but he would understand under the circumstances.

We learned during Jett’s first heat that his might not be as predictable as most other omegas. Even with finding his fated mate, it was nearly three weeks later than was expected. We were all worried because everything we’d researched indicated that being with his fated should’ve triggered it early, but it didn’t happen that way with him.

It was a rough few weeks, as my poor mate was sure something was wrong with him, and even though the doctors assured us that wasn’t the case, he was filled with self-doubt.

Luckily, it did eventually come, but there was no warning like most omegas had. One second, he was having a completely normal conversation, and the next the wave of heat was so strong, I felt it on the other side of the house. And then it lasted nearly a week. Both of us were exhausted for days afterward.

The doctor hinted that a bite may help regulate but we held off. Jett wasn’t ready during that time, and I wasn’t going to force it on him. We had been talking about it a lot over the last week or so, and I spoke to Orion as well. We were ready. It was time for me to claim my mate completely and, hopefully, bring him back to my home.

“I’ll be there as quickly as I can, sweetheart,” I told Jett when I realized he was still on the line. “Just hang tight.”
