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“Sorry!” Lyric responded, but his glimmering eyes and big smile didn’t make him seem all that sorry.

“Um, it’s okay.” My eyes were drawn to the big pile of presents again. “I have presents. They’re in my room. I can get them. I didn’t realize they’d all be out like that. I’m sorry. I’ve never done this before and I didn’t know.”

Emerson wrapped his arms around me and I instantly relaxed. If it already felt like this to be close to my mate, I couldn’t wait to experience his touch once I was marked. “Everything’s ok, sweetheart. Take a deep breath.”

I obeyed as Orion watched me carefully. “Don’t worry about it, Jett. You can grab them later. It’s time to eat anyway.”

My stomach rumbled, reminding me that I hadn’t eaten anything since the lobster balls last night. And I certainly worked up an appetite during my time with Emerson.

Orion laughed knowingly. He gestured toward the couch. “We’re eating in here this morning. We’ll be having a more formal dinner when the rest of the family comes later, but right now, it’s for us, and I want it to be more relaxed. We had enough of formality last night.”

Lyric chuckled as he plopped onto one of the overstuffed cushions and sat cross-legged. “That was the least formal formal dinner I’ve ever been to.”

Both he and Orion were still wearing pajamas, and I was glad I hadn’t bothered changing, just putting on a shirt with my pajama pants. Once I saw he had left Emerson with sweats, I decided to take the chance. Also, as a side note, seeing Emerson in sweats was . . .strange. I had never once seen him in anything in a suit, and sure, that was because it had always been a formal occasion, but still. Sweats on my mate were just odd. Sexy, but odd.

Emerson’s face heated as we walked over to the seating area. Instead of going to the sofa, he guided me to one of the large chairs. He sat and dragged me onto his lap. Now, my face turned red, too, but I happily snuggled closer.

Once we were settled, he looked over to Orion. “I do apologize about last night. I probably should have waited for a more private moment.”

My brother rolled his eyes. “You think? But you know what? I kind of expected it. You and Jett haven’t been exactly subtle through this whole . . .” He waved his hand, trying to think of a word. “. . . thing.”

I shifted on Emerson, but he only held me tighter. “If I caused any problems, I’ll be happy to do damage control.”

“I already handled it. Luckily, most of the people present are sensitive to our cause and can be trusted to at least keep their mouths shut. Those who might be more likely to spread stories have been dealt with.”

Emerson stiffened behind me as Lyric just laughed. “You make it sound like you murdered them, alpha.”

Orion pinched Lyric’s thigh. “You know what I mean, kitten. I just merely reminded a few people that they aren’t as perfect as they like to pretend and I’d be happy to share some of the unsavory stories if they go and report anything from the dinner.”

Emerson shook his head. “So you blackmailed them?”

Orion just shrugged. “Call it what you like. Either way, it’s handled for now. Though, I’d appreciate both of you lying low for a while. I’m running out of dirt I can hold over people’s heads.” He slapped his hands on his thighs. “Now, I’m not sure about the rest of you, but I’m starving. Let’s eat before it gets cold.”

I stood up and kissed my mate’s cheek. “I’ll get us something. Is there anything you don’t like?”

“Thank you, sweetheart. And no, I eat everything except lima beans.”

Lyric’s nose scrunched. “Does anyone eat lima beans? Why do they even exist?”

“Well, damn, there goes this breakfast. That was the only thing I had ordered. 17 different dishes of lima beans,” Orion deadpanned.

“And you call me a brat?” Lyric whispered under his breath. Laughing, I grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the table of food before he got himself in trouble.

* * *

“I can’t believe you did all this for me,” I said to my brother and brother-in-law, completely in awe. I was shocked to see how many presents in the pile were for me. They were thoughtful gifts too: a gorgeous knit blanket that matched my bedroom set, a special edition of my favorite book, and, of course, the present I was holding now with shaky hands. I had no idea how Orion managed to get this, but he did and now I was trying not cry as I stared at a framed picture of my omega father and me from when I was younger.

There weren’t many pictures of either of us from when I was growing up. My aunt didn’t believe in that sort of thing and never condoned it. This was the only one I ever remembered being up around her house, and I had to leave it when I ran.

It was an official portrait. I couldn’t even remember why we had them done, but the two of us were sitting in my aunt’s formal parlor, both dressed to the nines in suits. I remembered it was the first, and last time, until I came to Orion, that I wore a suit. I was so uncomfortable the entire time. We were sitting next to each other on the world’s worst love seat, looking stiff and awkward. But even in the staged photo, I could see the laughter in Father’s eyes. No matter what else was happening, he was always smiling and trying to make me smile. Gods, I missed him.

“How?” I asked my brother in a watery voice. I was sitting on Emerson’s lap again, and he lightly kissed my shoulder, reminding me of his presence.

Orion grinned, but I could see how choked up he was becoming. Lyric slid closer to him, his own personal emotional battery. “I have my ways.”

My eyes widened. “Did you blackmail my aunt too?”

Emerson choked on a laugh, and Lyric brought his fist to his mouth to keep his chuckle hidden, but Orion shook his head. “Actually, no. The woman is a frigid old bitch, but she was willing to overlook any personal affront you apparently caused her by running if I offered her money. She actually shipped a few of your personal belongings. Whenever you’re up for it and want to go through the box, just let me know. You can keep anything in there you want.”
