Page 31 of The Darkness Within

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“Don’t worry, I’ll be home soon. Just have to go to work with Daddy Zade,” I quip.

Dean chuckles, the serious expression on his face evaporating while Felix shakes his head as a smile forms.

“Give him hell,” Dean says.

“Oh, I won’t just give it to him. I’ll take him there for a visit.” With my parting words, I pop out of the vehicle, my gaze landing on an impatient Austin. At least there are no cameras taking pictures here. Forcing the thoughts of what would happen if paparazzi got a good image of me, I smile for the alpha glowering down at me. “Ready, Daddy Zade?”

His jaw clenches, and I know the absolute torture I’m going to put him through. He wants me. I had that proof yesterday. But I also know the contract will hold him back. So I’m going to perfume to my heart’s content and push all his buttons. What can I say, playing with fire is one of my favorite pastimes.

* * *

He has attemptedto ignore me all morning, and honestly, it is boring. I spin in a circle in my chair, my head angled back to stare at the plain ceiling above. Still, Austin solely focuses on his books. He has an expert skill at ignoring people when he is engrossed in something, and I wonder how it would feel to be the center of that focus.

Am I wishing for a pack or an alpha? No. But to be the single intense focus of a man like him would feel like you own the world.

With a sigh, I stop spinning and stare at him. His wide broad shoulders remind me of my guards growing up. Some of those alphas were reassigned when they realized I was an omega, and I started perfuming around them to get attention.

His black hair appears to be silky soft and part of me wants to run my fingers through it. While his violet irises are lowered beneath long eyelashes that fan his cheeks as he reads silently. The dark stubble over his jaw would feel heavenly against my skin. Not that I would allow it. But I can imagine what it would feel like. A muscle pops along his jawline before he drags his attention to me.


My eyes widen. “What do you mean what?”

“I can feel you watching me. What do you want? Are you hungry? Thirsty?”

I snort. “I’m not a dog.”

His lips part, and he blinks slowly. “Did I say you were? Last time I checked, humans eat and drink too.”

“You have a whole fridge of drinks right there.” I point at the mini fridge. “And snacks, there. I think if I was hungry or thirsty, I would just get up and get something.”

“Then why are you watching me?”

“Does it bother you?”

“That doesn’t answer my question,” he mutters.

I laugh. When his gaze meets mine, I bite down on my lip. Time to take him to hell. “Well,Daddy, you are beautiful for an alpha. I was admiring it. You have it down. The dark looks, the intensity, that small bit of chest hair peeking out from your currently unbuttoned shirt; it is all alluring. But I’m sure you know that.”

“I told you not to call me Daddy.”

“Or you’ll what? Spank me?” I’m being bratty, almost like a child really, but there is something about him that drives me. He pushes my buttons as much as I press his.

“Something like that,” he says almost too low for me to catch, but Ido hearhim, and I can’t help the flush to my skin as slick gathers between my legs. “Do you know what a dom is?”

My lips are suddenly dry, and I sneak my tongue out to moisten them. My heart rate picks up, and butterflies come to life in my stomach. I thought I was playing with fire, but I am pretty sure I just jumped right into the flames.

“Do you, Audrey?”

I nod. Of course I know what a dom is. Doesn’t everyone?

“Tell me what it is,” he says, his voice low and dark and definitely not boardroom friendly.

“It is–” I swallow hard. “A dom is someone that takes over control of a submissive to give pleasure. Usually with express permission. There’s a misconception that subs don’t have any power, but they have all the power. With a single word, they can take away everything.” Textbook answer for the win. I release a breath as I stop rambling and watch him for his response.

He grins wide, flashing straight white teeth at me. “That’s it, princess.”

My stomach flips at the praise as he stands to his full height. Towering over me. Igniting many fantasies I didn’t know were locked inside me. Instead of turning my way, he strolls over to a standing desk and slides open the wooden drawer. The wood-on-wood glides, sending a shiver down my spine.
